4403 Sales
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Yama Uba. A combination of technical indicators specifically designed for bullish market conditions.
The strategy opens up positions during markets that are starting to trend up. This is done by a combination of volume and trend indicators that spot when a market is starting to gain upwards momentum, measuring the volume and trends of very specific moving averages.
The strategy has received a major update and can now identify when the general market is bullish. The strategy will thus trade only when the market is bullish, so you not have to worry about your hopper opening up positions in a bearish market.
We update the recommended settings on our discord channel first:
Discord server -> https://discord.gg/QEts6Xp
For any questions about results please send us an email at strategynakamoto@gmail.com or contact us through our discord channel.
Sell base on strategy: disabled
Take profit: 5%
Stop loss: 2%
Trailing stop loss percentage: 0.9%
Arm trailing stop loss: 1.8%
(Only to be used against the top 70 most capitalized coins)
Disclaimer: Past performance does not guarantee future results. Use our products at your own risk, always do your research and paper trade first to see if the strategies work out for you.
The product provided on this page is not provided by Cryptohopper, but by external advisors and trading professionals. Although we check and validate each marketplace seller, Cryptohopper will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of these templates, strategies and/or copy bots. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative for future results.
* All prices on this website are excluding VAT and excluding payment provider fees (if applicable).