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Money Year ALL COINS

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Updated and extensively back tested 100% trades
Daily, Weekly, Monthly Trades

no stop loss
no dca nothing

all trades will reverse test it in your backtest ones I tested were all 3s and 3l coins (higher percentage gains and movement) there were btc, eth, avax and about 30 others as well

tested at 5% profits some tested at 20% just to test and still worked out so please play around with your take profit percentage


i trade with at least 30-40K in the balance
if you trade with smaller balances it should still work since back test continues to show 100% trades

SO 5% take profit that's it go and test

NEW YEARS PRICE (Price will change)

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$ 9.99


Binance,, BingX, Bitfinex, Bitvavo, Bybit, Coinbase Advanced,, EXMO, HitBTC, HTX, Kraken, KuCoin, OKX

Weekly results

Average profit buy signals

3.82 %

Total buy signals


Average profit sell signals

5.06 %

Total sell signals


Last months performance

Performance is being caclulated by adding the signal's highest and lowest results together. Each entry point represents the signal’s highest minus the lowest after 24 hours (as in the Performance report) divided by the number of signals in that day.

Profit distribution buy signals


CoinExchangeQuote currencyTypeDateHighest/LowestView
BTC Binance USDT Sell 1721969137 1.76% / -0.22%
LSD HTX USDT Sell 1721968955 18.34% / -7.68%
UFT HTX USDT Sell 1721968954 2.41% / -1.83%
BTC HTX PYUSD Buy 1721968953 0.00% / -16.19%
ORDI HTX USDT Sell 1721968948 3.15% / -0.56%
CUDOS KuCoin BTC Buy 1721968199 1.65% / -2.21%
NIBI KuCoin USDT Buy 1721968198 2.69% / -0.85%
NGL KuCoin USDT Sell 1721968198 8.42% / 0.00%
DOCK KuCoin BTC Buy 1721968197 2.41% / -8.63%
XNO KuCoin USDT Buy 1721968196 0.94% / -1.65%
NEO KuCoin KCS Buy 1721968194 4.07% / -0.85%
PYTH KuCoin USDT Sell 1721968193 4.28% / -1.25%
TXA KuCoin USDT Sell 1721968192 11.48% / -32.33%
PAX Coinbase Advanced USD Buy 1721968008 0.03% / -0.11%
IO USD Sell 1721967636 7.62% / -1.47%
KRL USD Buy 1721967635 7.11% / -1.41%
LEASH USD Sell 1721967633 6.59% / 0.00%
LTC EXMO USDC Buy 1721967448 1.77% / -11.77%
BCH EXMO USDC Sell 1721967447 4.08% / -1.21%
TRX EXMO USD Buy 1721967446 1.10% / -6.33%
YFI EXMO BTC Buy 1721967440 6.85% / -2.37%
JST OKX USDT Buy 1721967257 2.52% / -0.45%
BCH USDT Sell 1721966887 7.27% / -0.03%
LOOM USDT Buy 1721966884 0.00% / 0.00%
SNC HitBTC BTC Buy 1721966511 20.02% / 0.00%
APE HitBTC USDC Sell 1721966507 24.12% / 0.00%
CVX HitBTC USDT Sell 1721966505 0.00% / -3.41%
APM HitBTC BTC Buy 1721966505 0.00% / 0.00%
DAI Kraken USD Buy 1721966321 0.02% / -0.06%
ATLAS Kraken USD Buy 1721966319 4.44% / -1.11%
CRV Kraken USD Buy 1721966319 3.08% / -0.77%
EOS Kraken BTC Buy 1721966315 1.18% / -1.18%
HTX KuCoin USDT Buy 1721965943 1.13% / -0.19%
TRAC KuCoin BTC Buy 1721965940 6.27% / -3.76%
BOSON KuCoin USDT Buy 1721965940 4.11% / -2.43%
DODO Binance BTC Buy 1721965757 7.61% / -3.80%
ONE Binance BTC Sell 1721965754 5.00% / 0.00%
BCH Binance BTC Sell 1721965753 2.63% / -0.15%
HIGH Binance BTC Buy 1721965752 2.54% / -0.86%
MBOX BingX USDT Buy 1721965567 5.12% / -0.56%
DUEL BingX USDT Buy 1721965566 4.86% / -1.89%
AVAIL BingX USDT Sell 1721965565 3.72% / -4.34%
KENDU BingX USDT Buy 1721965564 44.39% / -6.92%
FIGHT BingX USDT Buy 1721965563 20.52% / -8.96%
DEXE BingX USDT Buy 1721965561 2.37% / -0.59%
PLAY BingX USDT Sell 1721965560 25.20% / 0.00%
DADDY BingX USDT Sell 1721965559 7.77% / -4.29%
MAV Bitvavo EUR Buy 1721965374 4.54% / -0.43%
ERN Bitvavo EUR Buy 1721965373 2.84% / -0.06%
PTU Bybit USDT Sell 1721965190 1.37% / -4.10%

These realtime stats are based on all trade data of the last month.

Average profits based on buy signals

Exchange Quote currency Buys Average profit
Coinbase AdvancedUSD5-0.85 %
KuCoinUSDT46.91 %

Average profits based on sell signals

Exchange Quote currency Sells Average profit
Coinbase AdvancedUSD3-4.19 %

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The signals provided on this page are not provided by Cryptohopper, but by external advisors. Although we check and validate each signaller, Cryptohopper will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of these external signals.

* All prices on this website are excluding VAT and excluding payment provider fees (if applicable).

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