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Killer Whale Bank Robber Signals

Killer Whale Bank Robber Signals

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Killer Whale Bank Robber Signals is the product of years of experience! Bank Robber uses premium indicators, combined with advanced AI technology to monitor the market around the clock to ensure trades are triggered at precisely the right time, providing the best returns possible.
Killer Whale Bank Robber Signals has 100’s of subscribers and a 4+ star rating on the Cryptohopper platform. Within the last 3 months, Killer Whale Bank Robber has generated over 400,000+ signals.
Killer Whale Bank Robber Signals is the perfect addition to any trading strategy!

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Signal Details

Subscription fee

$ 15.00


Binance,, Bitfinex, Bitvavo, Coinbase Advanced,, EXMO, HitBTC, HTX, Kraken, KuCoin, OKX, Poloniex

Weekly results

Average profit buy signals

4.65 %

Total buy signals


Average profit sell signals

7.68 %

Total sell signals


Last months performance

Performance is being caclulated by adding the signal's highest and lowest results together. Each entry point represents the signal’s highest minus the lowest after 24 hours (as in the Performance report) divided by the number of signals in that day.

Profit distribution buy signals


CoinExchangeQuote currencyTypeDateHighest/LowestView
ATOM EXMO EUR Buy 1721957171 6.90% / -0.97%
BCH EXMO USDC Buy 1721957170 4.26% / -1.57%
ETH EXMO USD Buy 1721957168 3.16% / -0.94%
MANA EXMO USDT Buy 1721957166 6.76% / -0.27%
KAVA Kraken BTC Buy 1721957154 3.69% / 0.00%
ADA Binance BRL Buy 1721956787 5.45% / -0.27%
IOTA Bitfinex BTC Buy 1721956602 2.09% / -0.42%
WMINIMA Bitfinex UST Buy 1721956598 3.69% / -1.29%
ETHW Bitfinex UST Buy 1721956596 5.03% / -0.94%
XMR Bitfinex USD Buy 1721956595 6.49% / -2.24%
TESTETH Bitfinex TESTUSD Buy 1721956594 0.00% / 0.00%
LINK KuCoin USDC Buy 1721956421 3.99% / -0.66%
AGLD Coinbase Advanced USDC Buy 1721956411 4.32% / -1.08%
HBAR Coinbase Advanced USDT Buy 1721956410 3.46% / -0.66%
SEAM Coinbase Advanced USDC Buy 1721956409 0.26% / -6.11%
SOL Coinbase Advanced GBP Buy 1721956407 5.49% / -0.72%
VGX HitBTC ETH Buy 1721956225 0.00% / 0.00%
XYO HitBTC BTC Buy 1721956223 0.00% / 0.00%
CHP HitBTC ETH Buy 1721956222 0.11% / 0.00%
MIR HitBTC USDT Buy 1721956221 0.00% / -17.04%
SOL USDT Buy 1721956039 5.77% / -0.70%
BICO USDT Buy 1721956038 0.00% / 0.00%
FORT USDT Buy 1721956037 4.51% / 0.00%
WBTC BTC Buy 1721956035 0.09% / 0.00%
HFT USD Buy 1721955854 3.30% / -0.71%
RARE USD Buy 1721955853 0.00% / -5.34%
LTC BTC Buy 1721955851 2.14% / -0.59%
SYN USD Buy 1721955850 3.42% / -1.00%
VELO KuCoin USDT Buy 1721955686 17.60% / -0.19%
VRAUP KuCoin USDT Buy 1721955683 16.69% / 0.00%
BLUR KuCoin USDT Buy 1721955682 5.16% / -0.06%
DEFI KuCoin USDT Buy 1721955681 5.47% / -1.82%
FLOW OKX EUR Buy 1721955668 7.54% / 0.00%
VENOM OKX USDC Buy 1721955666 18.83% / 0.00%
1INCH OKX USDT Buy 1721955660 2.47% / -0.91%
ZERO OKX USDT Buy 1721955654 7.27% / -0.32%
BRISE HTX USDT Buy 1721955471 1.94% / -0.93%
AKT HTX USDT Buy 1721955469 9.32% / -0.25%
TON HTX USDT Buy 1721955468 2.92% / -0.35%
GMT HTX USDT Buy 1721955467 7.78% / -0.42%
OSMO Bitvavo EUR Buy 1721955079 2.74% / -1.08%
TRAC Bitvavo EUR Buy 1721955078 11.06% / -0.66%
MINA Bitvavo EUR Buy 1721955077 5.27% / 0.00%
PENDLE Bitvavo EUR Buy 1721955076 8.40% / -0.38%
RDNT Binance USDT Buy 1721954894 7.38% / -1.41%
VIDT Binance USDT Buy 1721954893 3.56% / -0.69%
PIXEL Binance FDUSD Buy 1721954892 6.95% / -1.06%
KMNO KuCoin USDT Buy 1721954711 2.16% / -0.25%
BRWL KuCoin USDT Buy 1721954709 3.90% / 0.00%
REV3L KuCoin USDT Buy 1721954707 7.80% / -1.11%

These realtime stats are based on all trade data of the last month.

Average profits based on buy signals

Exchange Quote currency Buys Average profit
BinanceBTC1-42.88 %
BinanceUSDT131.66 %
BinanceEUR168.01 %
Binance.usUSDT1390.53 %
BitvavoEUR237-0.27 %
Coinbase AdvancedUSD131-12.02 %
Coinbase AdvancedEUR11-0.64 %
Coinbase AdvancedGBP113.90 %
Crypto.comUSD67-7.63 %
HTXUSDT63.78 %
KrakenBTC13-2.78 %
KrakenETH53.53 %
KrakenUSD273.98 %
KrakenEUR1-10.52 %
KuCoinUSDT146.32 %
PoloniexUSDT312.00 %

Average profits based on sell signals

Exchange Quote currency Sells Average profit
BinanceUSDT4-4.03 %
BitvavoEUR262.75 %
Coinbase AdvancedGBP1-2.25 %
Crypto.comUSD2-35.03 %
HTXUSDT2-23.31 %
KrakenBTC8-7.78 %

Reviews (24)

The signals provided on this page are not provided by Cryptohopper, but by external advisors. Although we check and validate each signaller, Cryptohopper will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of these external signals.

* All prices on this website are excluding VAT and excluding payment provider fees (if applicable).

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