Signals last 3 months:
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Binance, Bybit
Average profit buy signals
0.00 %
Total buy signals
Average profit sell signals
0.00 %
Total sell signals
Coin | Exchange | Quote currency | Type | Date | Highest/Lowest | View |
MANA | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734507898 | 3.37% / -13.28% | |
APE | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428395 | 6.02% / -6.17% | |
ALGO | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428369 | 5.03% / -7.15% | |
ATOM | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428348 | 2.61% / -5.43% | |
SHIB | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428319 | 1.51% / -6.50% | |
SOL | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428296 | 4.28% / -2.89% | |
BCH | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428277 | 1.67% / -4.38% | |
XTZ | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428255 | 5.69% / -4.72% | |
ADA | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428231 | 2.68% / -6.54% | |
LINK | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428212 | 2.09% / -5.22% | |
MANA | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428189 | 2.94% / -7.37% | |
LTC | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428167 | 11.71% / -2.75% | |
DOT | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428144 | 2.13% / -7.39% | |
EOS | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428116 | 4.37% / -7.08% | |
XRP | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428086 | 6.17% / -4.33% | |
ETH | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428063 | 0.56% / -5.13% | |
BTC | Bybit | USDT | Buy | 1734428031 | 1.06% / -3.84% | |
BTC | Binance | USDT | Sell | 1732702720 | 3.88% / -0.78% | |
BTC | Binance | USDT | Buy | 1732702707 | 3.88% / -0.78% |
These realtime stats are based on all trade data of the last month.
Quote | # Signals | # Buys | # Sells | Avg highest 1 day | Avg lowest 1 day | # Real buys | # Real sells | Real avg buy profit | Real avg sell profit |
Quote | # Signals | # Buys | # Sells | Avg highest 1 day | Avg lowest 1 day | # Real buys | # Real sells | Real avg buy profit | Real avg sell profit |
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