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Buy when prices are accelerating up and sell before price drops.
:::::::::: Performance ::::::::::
Current Backtest Results: https://dexstrats.com/volatility-sniper#backtest
:::::::::: Description ::::::::::
This strategy buys at the beginning of price increases and sells just before the price drops. Designed to take advantage of price volatility to turn a profit.
:::::::::: Recommended Items ::::::::::
Signals: http://dexstrats.com/r/LMm
Premium Strategy: http://dexstrats.com/r/MqA
Premium Template: http://dexstrats.com/r/hAl
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Video Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXcFbLN0g77Ok8dmh8Rev0Q
Knowledgebase http://dexstrats.com/r/b0z
Compare Strategies: http://dexstrats.com/r/1Cf
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Website: http://dexstrats.com/r/WVL
Discord: https://discord.gg/BQjZxSwaVY
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