
Hegic and zLOT are Now Listed on Poloniex

24 nov. 2020 2 min de lecture
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Starting now, wallets are open and you can begin depositing HEGIC and ZLOT into your Poloniex account and posting limit orders for HEGIC/USDT and ZLOT/USDT. Full trading for HEGIC and ZLOT will be enabled later today.

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What is Hegic? Hegic is a peer-to-pool options trading platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. Hegic utilizes their liquidity pools to allow users to buy WBTC and ETH options with flexible holding periods. Users can provide liquidity on Hegic and earn from fees that are paid to the liquidity pool. Hegic options can be exercised at any point because of the liquidity locked inside the option contract. HEGIC is the native token of the Hegic platform and is listed on Poloniex in our DeFi Innovation Zone. Deposit HEGIC now and begin trading.

What is zLOT? zLOT Finance is building the first staking pool built on top of Hegic. Hegic pays rewards to accounts that are assigned a staking lot but staking lots are only assigned to accounts with at least 888K HEGIC. zLOT wants to increase access to Hegic staking lots by pooling HEGIC tokens for smaller holders to increase all holders’ benefits from the settlement fees generated by the Hegic’s protocol. Users can deposit HEGIC on the HegicPool.sol contract in order to acquire zHEGIC, the tokenized share of the pool. ZLOT is the governance token of zLOT Finance and is listed on Poloniex in our DeFi Innovation Zone. Deposit ZLOT now and begin trading.


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was originally published in The Poloniex blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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