
OKB Global Ecosystem Monthly Report — July 2020

6 août 2020 3 min de lecture
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The following report demonstrates the progress and achievements of the OKB ecosystem over the course of July 2020.

OKB market details for July

OKB’s highest monthly ROI was 27%

CoinGecko reported that OKEx web traffic had the highest increase when compared to other exchanges during the second quarter of 2020 — reaching a gain of 239%.

At the same time, the OKEx platform’s native currency, OKB, had the highest ROI among the top five mainstream platform tokens — reaching 90%.

Eleven global partners joined the OKB ecosystem

In order to improve the value, support and service experience of OKB, the ecosystem added a total of 11 partners worldwide in July. The additions cover many important fields — including DeFi services, online payments, discount premiums, security services as well as ordinary trading.

On July 2, OKB solidified a strategic cooperation with Saturn Network, a well-known DeFi service provider. Users can conduct OKB DEX derivatives while trading on the Saturn Network platform.

OKB also successively came to a strategic cooperation with Aeron and MyWish in the field of payments. With Aeron, users can purchase aviation products provided by Aeron with OKB. At the same time, users can use OKB to make payments and enjoy the intelligent contract service provided by MyWish.

Furthermore, OKB also supported the launch of well-known API strategy platforms Haasonline, Cryptohopper and Mudrex. All OKB users can enjoy fee discounts for trading bots on the above platforms.

Regarding the expansion of legal token-trading channels, OKB launched Kamoney, a leading and legal South American currency-trading platform, as well as Cointopay, a well-known trading platform — further developing the global ecosystem.

When it comes to wallets, OKB has successively reached an agreement with well-known Indian wallets BuyUCoin and the largest crypto wallet in Russia — i.e., Trustee. Users can benefit from all of OKB’s saving and trading potential via the above wallets.

With continuous efforts, OKB currently has 76 global partners, and it will continue to provide first-class services to millions of users and fans around the world.

Visit https://www.okex.com/ for the full report.

Disclaimer: This material should not be taken as the basis for making investment decisions, nor be construed as a recommendation to engage in investment transactions. Trading digital assets involve significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital. You should ensure that you fully understand the risk involved and take into consideration your level of experience, investment objectives and seek independent financial advice if necessary.

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was originally published in OKEx Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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