
President of Huobi University Shares His Vision on Higher Education In Blockchain

14 juil. 2020 2 min de lecture
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To address this, a workshop is being co-organized on July 14th, 2020 by SUSS-Singapore University of Social Science and SmartMesh, a leading blockchain based underlying protocol of the Internet of Things.

 “More than 33 higher education institutions in China have offered blockchain courses and degree programmes since 2016. As an educational institution rooted in China, we are very excited to work with SUSS and industry colleagues like SmartMesh. The ideas is to exchange thoughts and explore possibilities on credential, and degree blockchain education to cultivate and deliver talents for increasing demand followed by the maturity of the blockchain market,” said Dr. Jianing Yu.

At Huobi, it provides an online employment blockchain credential course for internal staff. The course is also available to students and people at the blockchain marketplace who want to grow professionally and get access to more affordable and efficient blockchain education.

Established in 2018, Huobi University has provided training and education programmes in blockchain to more than 30,000 students since 2018 across the globe, including executives from China, U.K. Japan, Australia, South Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia.

About Huobi University

Huobi University is the blockchain education entity of the Huobi blockchain ecosystem. Huobi University focuses on teaching and researching on distributed business models, blockchain applications, and new models on digital finance to empower business entities and entrepreneurs.

The post appeared first on Huobi Blog.

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