
Coinbase Voices: From Coinbase Cryptern to Blockchain Security Engineer

11 oct. 2021 4 min de lecture
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Tell us about yourself!

I’m currently a full-time Software Engineer on the Blockchain Security team, and I was also a Winter 2021 Cryptern! I recently graduated from the University of Southern California with a B.S. in Computer Science. I have always had a passion for technology, and I love trying to come up with solutions to everyday problems with technology!

What made you decide to apply to the program?

After my previous internship at a very large company, I knew I wanted to work at a smaller company/startup where I could have more responsibility and make a bigger impact. I have been following the cryptocurrency space with my dad since 2017 and have been an avid Coinbase user myself. So when I saw the chance to work on a product that I loved using and in a space I found so interesting, I jumped at the opportunity!

Can you tell us about your Coinbase Crypternship experience?

Being a Cryptern was an amazing experience. Going into my internship I wanted something that was fast paced and the opportunity to make an impact on Coinbase. My experience was all of that and more. Within the first month of my internship I was able to make an impact on my team and help move the needle in terms of our goal of listing more assets on Coinbase. I also loved how many fun events there were to engage interns even when everything was remote! One of my favorite events was when we were sent to a terrarium and we got the chance to learn how to plant them ourselves. I also thought it was really cool to get to pick Brian Armstrong’s brain and get his thoughts on the events that happen in the Kings of Crypto book.

What projects did you work on during your Crypternship?’

During my Crypternship I worked on a project called Solidify, which is what Blockchain Security uses to help determine the risks associated with ERC-20s (smart contracts). I was able to work on and ship new features to the tool during my Crypternship.

What was most challenging part of the experience? And the most rewarding?

The most challenging thing about my Crypternship was that I had no prior knowledge on Blockchain Security. However, I hit the ground running and was able to learn so much every single day. The most rewarding part of my Crypternship was that within the first few weeks I was able to ship a script that made an immediate impact on my team. It was an amazing feeling to be able to have such an impact on my team so soon into my internship. It helped build my confidence and set the tone for the rest of my Crypternship.

How did you make the transition to full-time and what are you working on now?

I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to start working full-time before I even graduated college! As soon as my Crypternship ended I began working full-time. Since I’m working on the same team the transition was seamless. I’m currently working on tooling that helps Coinbase ensure prospective Blockchains and ERC-20’s are secure enough to list.

What advice would you give someone looking to get into crypto or join Coinbase?

I think the best way to get into crypto is to just dive in head first and start learning about crypto! When I first started learning about Blockchain Security I really enjoyed doing the CaptureTheEther challenges, I thought they were really engaging and got me thinking.

And, don’t be intimidated, this space is new and constantly developing, you are not the only person that is still trying to learn!

What do you value most about Coinbase’s culture? What do you think sets it apart?

I really value Coinbase’s remote first culture. As someone who was born and raised in Southern California it was my dream to be able to advance my career while also remaining close to home.

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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