
Celebrate Bitpanda's sixth birthday with us and win 10,000 BEST

15 déc. 2020 2 min de lecture
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So you are hanging out with your friends and one of you wants to buy Bitcoin - what do you do? In 2020, it’s a no-brainer: you head over to Bitpanda, set up your account, deposit fiat and buy Bitcoin, easy-peasy.

Before 2014, however, this was a different story. You went online through a jungle of mysterious platforms and ominous channels, just to discover that buying Bitcoin was super complicated. It was something along the lines of searching for the holy grail. First, you needed to deposit fiat via an exchange to convert it to another fiat currency, then place an order just to make a trade to get your Bitcoin, then worry about wallets... you get the picture.

So what did you do in 2014? You found a trading platform for cryptocurrencies! That is how Bitpanda was born. Now, six years later, the industry has changed dramatically. Not only has Bitcoin kind of grown up, but we have also grown up as a company! So let’s celebrate!

Celebrate with us and win BEST

What is the BEST way to celebrate? By winning of course! Therefore, we are giving away 60,000 BEST to six lucky Bitapanda users (10,000 BEST to each winner).

How can you win? Every Bitpanda user who buys (with a manual buy, swap or an executed savings plan) at least €100 worth of BEST on Bitpanda between the 15th of December, 2020 (our birthday) and the 15th of January, 2021 will be eligible to win 10k BEST. The six lucky winners will be chosen at random.

What is BEST?

If you are new to Bitpanda, BEST is our Bitpanda Ecosystem Token which offers Bitpanda users a wide range of benefits and advantages, from premium discounts, to monthly reward payments and more. Learn everything about BEST here.

Buy BEST now - good luck everyone!

You can read the terms and conditions here and we will credit the winners on their Bitpanda BEST wallets.

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