
Doing Our Part to Aid Beirut

17 août 2020 2 min de lecture
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In a newly launched Beirut Relief Fund campaign, Binance Charity has committed $20,000 in donations for the victims of the August 4 explosion in Beirut, which claimed more than 150 lives, injured 5,000 people, and caused 300,000 more to lose their homes.

Beirut’s port district suffered from a blast powered by a storage unit filled with 2,750 metric tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a highly explosive chemical typically used in agricultural fertilizers and explosives.

This event has dealt another blow to a country still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic and a deepening economic crisis. Right now, Beirut’s health care system—already overburdened with the pandemic, has suffered an even greater blow, as many hospitals and health facilities were damaged or destroyed in the blast.

In order to help Beirut and the rest of Lebanon in this time of need, Binance Charity has earmarked $20,000 in donations. Through our newly launched the Beirut Relief Fund campaign, we ask the blockchain community to donate today and help Beirut weather the crisis.

“With our condolences, our hearts go out to those who are suffering and have lost loved ones. We stand with you, Lebanon, and we at Binance will work closely with local partners to help improve conditions and livelihoods,” said Helen Hai, Head of Binance Charity.

Staying true to Binance Charity’s mission of maintaining 100% transparency in philanthropy, all your donations to this campaign will be reflected on our website.

For more information on how you can help, email us at [email protected].

Donate Now.

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