
Introducing the Binance Blog Trader Series

11 août 2020 3 min de lecture
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The global cryptocurrency market has grown in prominence in less than a decade, drawing comparisons to more traditional markets, such as stock markets and monetary markets.

Through the Trader Series, we collaborate with noteworthy technical analysts and thought leaders, whose expertise encompasses all major markets around the world, including the crypto market. Furthermore, we want to introduce new ideas from these luminaries to provide Binance traders with useful materials on trading strategies, technical analysis, market insights, and more.

If you are an expert trader and writer and want to contribute to this series, please email us at [email protected].

Introducing Our First Trader Series Contributor: Markos Katsanos

Markos Katsanos is a technical analyst, trading system developer, contributing author for "Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities," and a member of the Technical Securities Analysts Association of San Francisco (TSAASF).

He has maintained a reputation for being an important resource person when it comes to Intermarket analysis, making him a great choice to kick off this series of studying crypto markets in comparison with other major markets worldwide. For instance, nine chapters from his book "Intermarket Trading Strategies" have been adopted to the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) curriculum in 2016, as well as associated textbooks required for the CMT exams.

Markos, who was originally an engineer, started trading stocks and commodities in 1987. He started with fundamental analysis, before shifting to technical analysis of the markets, informed by his engineering background. He invented two new technical indicators: Finite Volume Element (FVE) and Volume Flow (VFI) Indicators, which both show the relationship of volume to price movement. These indicators have become popular tools used by traders.

What Will Our Featured Trader Talk About?

Markos has graciously contributed a comprehensive two-part report on cryptocurrency trading, which will be divided into two parts.

Part 1 features several studies from Markos on correlations between the markets of major cryptocurrencies and those of other asset classes and indices, such as gold, the S&P 500, and the Nasdaq 100, including prices, returns, and more metrics.

In Part 2, Markos introduces two trading strategies that various traders can use to maximize the movements of the crypto markets: the Trend Hybrid System and the Divergence System. His insights into these two systems come with analysis on trading performance, as well as conditions on when to buy and sell.

Stay tuned for this two-part series, coming soon.

Disclaimer: The Binance blog may contain news, information, and analysis about cryptocurrency trading, but it should not be misconstrued as financial advice in any way. Exercise proper caution and do your own research to verify all information you read here or elsewhere.

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