
Binance Charity donates 43,000 face shields to essential services in Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru and Goa

8 sept. 2020 2 min de lecture
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Binance Charity, the world’s first blockchain-powered donation platform, partnered with Vaibhav Chabbra founder of Mumbai’s Makers Asylum, a collaborative makerspace, to produce over 43,000 face shields to be distributed in 30+ hospitals, police stations and NGOs across India.

“The healthcare community in India is fighting a tough battle against COVID19. We are aware that it will take a while for things to get back in shape but all our doctors and nurses are giving more than 100% to keep doing what they need to. In times like these it is encouraging to have some help and we are very thankful to Binance Charity Foundation for the same”

- Dr. Frenny Karjodka, Nair Hospital & Dental College, Mumbai, India.

List of hospitals, railways and police stations:-

Mumbai: Nair Hospital, Indian Railways, Cooper Hospital, Sion Hospital, MCGM, F South Ward, MCGM, ENT Hospital, MCGM, Jumbo COVID Center BKC, JJ Hospital, NSCI Dome COVID Center, Indian Railways (Mumbai)

Bengaluru: Apollo Hospital, Baptist Hospital, Karnataka Police (Bengaluru), Omega Multispeciality Hospital, Chiguru Multispeciality Hospital, Vydehi Institute, Aster AMI Hospital, People Tree Hospital, Sarojini Health Center, Medicure Hospital, and SAFA Medicure

New Delhi: St Stephen's Hospital, Delhi Heart & Lung Institute, Holy Family Hospital And Max Hospital

Goa: Government of Goa, Directorate of Health Services and PHC Candolim

“The most important element of human life is to show compassion and help others as we can, without the limitation or restriction of borders. This is a challenge for all mankind. And there is no border to separate us. India stay strong. We are with you!” - Helen Hai, Head of Binance Charity

For more information on Binance Charity, visit: https://www.binance.charity/

Makers Asylum

Maker’s Asylum, a “maker space” in Mumbai is a community space designed to foster innovation amongst the young entrepreneurs and learners of our generation. The not-for-profit workspace is an ecosystem of startups, fundraisers, accelerators, investors and experts from multiple industries.

Binance Charity Fund [BCF]

Binance Charity is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of blockchain-enabled philanthropy towards achieving global sustainable development.

Binance Charity aims to transform philanthropy by developing the world’s first decentralized charity foundation to build a future where blockchain technology can be used to end all forms of poverty and inequality, advance sustainable development and ensure that no one is left behind.

Donate to the Crypto Against COVID campaign now!

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