
How you can make a great video and become a #PoloScholar

23 juin 2022 3 min de lecture
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We’ve gone ahead and made a brief, handy list for you to check out. It covers tips and tricks that will help you make a powerful educational video and have the best chance possible to be one of our PoloScholar finalists! We don’t want you to get too in the weeds, so here are the main things to consider when recording📹

  1. Ensure the video responds to the theme. This time it’s NFTs, so make sure to pick from our list of NFT-related topics listed in the rules and rewards article in our help center. If you decide to make your own topic, make sure it is relevant to the overall NFT theme.

2. Keep your video short and sweet. Don’t worry too much about the length of your video. As long as you feel you’ve explained the subject well, then having a 4-minute video vs one that goes right up to the 10-minute limit doesn’t matter.

Although talking about things like ‘NFTs and art’, ‘the fractionalization of NFTs’, etc. may be topics one could talk about for a long time, we encourage you to keep your coverage bite-sized!

  1. Introduce yourself and be yourself! You can think of your video as a one-on-one conversation with a fellow crypto enthusiast, so don’t be afraid to introduce us to who you are, and show us your personality!

If your video doesn’t feature you in front of the camera- whether you have an animated video or are doing a screencast- it’s a good idea to feature a voiceover to give it more of a personal feel.

4. Stick with one major point. Be clear and concise. Since you only need to cover one NFT-related sub-topic, you don’t need to worry about making a comprehensive effort, but rather a focused one. This will allow everyone to easily understand one main point that you are making.

5. Leverage on-screen text or graphics when necessary. To keep your audience engaged and to help them easily follow along, make sure to include visual aids and short text to capture key points.

6. Have fun with it and make it your own! Whether you want to put together an animated video, or be front and center showing us how it’s done, bringing your own creativity to your video is a sure way to stand out from the crowd.

Ready to get started? Check out the Rules + Rewards article in our Help Center to get started! And once you have completed your video, make sure to fill out our Google Form to submit your video for consideration.

was originally published in The Poloniex blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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