
Poloniex Futures Fee Vouchers are Here

2020年8月24日 4分读完

Our Poloniex Futures fee structure of -0.026% maker and 0.075% taker already provides the best maker rebates and low taker fees for all of our traders. We’ve heard great feedback from our customers on our current fee schedule but we want to give our traders even more flexibility. In the coming weeks, we plan to roll out fee vouchers where customers can purchase a 3-day, 7-day, or 30-day fee voucher and receive fee discounts for their futures trading.

For a limited time only, we’re giving away 50 free 3-day fee vouchers! If you’re a Poloniex Plus member or Poloniex Market Maker, we’ve reserved 10 vouchers specially for you. Enter to win a 5%, 10%, 20%, or 30% discount on your Poloniex Futures trading fees by following the directions below.

Entry Period: August 24, 2020 at 17:00 UTC — August 25, 2020 at 17:00 UTC

How to Enter:

  1. If you haven’t already, enable Futures trading on your Poloniex account

  2. Fill out this form with your Poloniex account email address

  3. Trade the following amount on Poloniex Futures to be entered to win the relevant voucher:

    • 5% Discount Fee Voucher: $1,000 in Futures volume during the entry period

    • 10% Discount Fee Voucher: $5,000 in Futures volume during the entry period

    • 20% Discount Fee Voucher: $20,000 in Futures volume during the entry period

    • 30% Discount Fee Voucher: $50,000 in Futures volume during the entry period

  4. We’ll randomly select 50 lucky traders to win fee vouchers that will be enabled beginning August 25, 2020 at 19:00 UTC

Terms & Conditions

  1. Promotion Entry Period: 1 day — August 24, 2020 at 17:00 UTC — August 25, 2020 at 17:00 UTC

  2. Fee Voucher Period: 3 days — August 25, 2020 at 19:00 UTC — August 28, 2020 at 19:00 UTC

  3. “Futures Volume” is defined as the sum of a user’s total buys and sells on Poloniex Futures. We calculate Futures Volume in the following way:

    • Trading volume for a given trade is calculated using the size of the order multiplied by the price at which the order executed. Cumulative trading volume is calculated using the SUM of a user’s trading volume during the Promotion Entry Period.

    • Deposits and withdrawals will not be taken into account when calculating Futures Volume.

  4. Fee voucher discounts are applied to the taker fees a customer pays when trading on Poloniex Futures.

  5. For the “5% Fee Voucher,” “10% Fee Voucher,” “20% Fee Voucher,” and “30% Fee Voucher” prizes, lucky winners will be selected to receive vouchers as outlined below:

    • 5% Fee Vouchers: We will select 30 customers who enter through the directions above to receive a 5% discount on their Poloniex Futures fees that will be applied for 3 days beginning August 25, 2020 at 19:00 UTC;

    • 10% Fee Vouchers: We will select 10 customers who enter through the directions above to receive a 10% discount on their Poloniex Futures fees that will be applied for 3 days beginning August 25, 2020 at 19:00 UTC;

    • 20% Fee Vouchers: We will select 7 customers who enter through the directions above to receive a 20% discount on their Poloniex Futures fees that will be applied for 3 days beginning August 25, 2020 at 19:00 UTC;

    • 30% Fee Vouchers: We will select 3 customers who enter through the directions above to receive a 30% discount on their Poloniex Futures fees that will be applied for 3 days beginning August 25, 2020 at 19:00 UTC.

  6. Fee Voucher Distribution: Fee vouchers will be applied beginning August 25, 2020 at 19:00 UTC

  7. We are unable to distribute fee vouchers to customer accounts that are frozen, closed, or based out of a country in our prohibited countries list.

  8. The rules of the promotion shall be subject to Poloniex’s final interpretative decision and we reserve the right to disqualify any person who is known or suspected to be cheating or violating any rules and regulations set by Poloniex.

was originally published in The Poloniex blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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