
Total Liquidity Pledge to HTX DAO Hits $42.5M After 2nd Round – Bolstering Decentralized Ecosystem

18 lip 2024 Czas czytania: 3 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

The pledge details can be viewed based on the following transaction hash via TRONSCAN, the TRON blockchain explorer. (The amount of $HTX tokens contributed to liquidity is calculated based on the real-time price of $HTX.)

  1. Adding Liquidity

Hash: acd664c12d9c32e50dce2fd1c9efea4a6b19793949c515ed49ac06cb620e1331

  1. LP Tokens Sent to Zero Address

Hash: 4a3912ed71f10ca59fbcc2fd61378a4cc54171f78e10f4b091cb0c5aeedfb44e

Learn more about the pledge: https://htxdao-1.gitbook.io/announcement-en

According to HTX DAO, the Ecosystem Liquidity Pledge mechanism is an innovation crafted to build a decentralized community empowering the ecosystem and address security-related concerns and allegations of centralization. This carefully structured mechanism not only bolsters the resilience and self-sufficiency of the HTX DAO ecosystem but also ensures transparency and accountability in all its operations. As per the previous report, HTX DAO received the initial liquidity pledge on March 15, totaling  $21 million. Additionally, the next pledge is slated for October 15, 2024.

HTX DAO’s liquidity pledge boasts several sources including a portion of the quarterly revenue from HTX (currently 50%) and contributions from other key HTX DAO participants. This pooled pledge is used to add liquidity for the $HTX token on decentralized exchanges, with the resulting LP tokens being permanently burned. It is noteworthy that any HTX DAO participant has the opportunity to voluntarily donate liquidity to $HTX or TRX.  This safeguard improves the practicality and decentralization of asset management and ensures that no single pledger within the HTX DAO can exercise exclusive control over the treasury. A proactive approach is taken to manage liquidity in a decentralized fashion, which systematically addresses the matter of centralization in fund custodianship while simultaneously fortifying the security of the pool and $HTX applications.

Founded on January 18, 2024, HTX DAO has enlisted 19 major builders to its ecosystem, including HTX, TRON, Poloniex, BitTorrent, Spark Digital Capital, APENFT, Stratified Capital, JustLend DAO, OIG Group, Double Peak, stUSDT, Zebec, USDD, ANKR, SUN.io, Merkle 3s Capital, WINkLink, TUSD, and Owlit Finance. These major builders are all prominent figures from various sectors within the blockchain industry. HTX DAO upholds exceptionally high standards in terms of transparency and community participation. Looking ahead, it fosters a diverse and dynamic landscape where contributors, innovators, and stakeholders collectively shape the trajectory of blockchain evolution.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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