
4 new tokens are now available on Bitpanda: ANT, BTT, DGB & OCEAN!

5 lut 2021 Czas czytania: 3 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

About Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)

Ocean Protocol is a blockchain-based ecosystem that allows publishers of data to monetise the value in the data, while retaining control and ensuring privacy. Data that has been published through the protocol can be accessed on the Ocean Market, where it can be bought and sold. The OCEAN utility token is an ERC20 token that is used within the Ocean Market for buying and selling previously hard to access data. Find out more about Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) on their official website.

About DigiByte (DGB)

The DigiByte project is a three-layer blockchain. Operating with cutting-edge speed, a wide range of digital assets, including smart contracts, can be created on DigiByte. This Proof of Work (PoW) blockchain uses five cryptographic algorithms to ensure mining remains decentralised. The project has never been funded through an ICO and is run by a network of volunteers. The DGB token can be sent, received and used for payments, utilising transaction speeds faster than Bitcoin and Litecoin. Find out more about DigiByte (DGB) on their official website.

About Aragon (ANT)

Aragon is a decentralised platform that offers a modularised way to create and manage DApps. By using the material available on the platform, users can set up and manage a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) without the need for any intermediaries. The Aragon Network Token (ANT) is the governance token of the Aragon Network and allows holders to participate in steering the direction of the project. Find out more about Aragon (ANT) on their official website.

About BitTorrent (BTT)

The largest decentralised peer-to-peer communication protocol is run by BitTorrent. With over 100 million active users each month, the protocol allows the distribution of large files and data over the internet and hosts a high percentage of daily global internet traffic. After being acquired by TRON in 2018, BitTorrent launched their token BTT using the TRON blockchain TRC-10 standard. BTT is used to power the features of the BitTorrent protocol. Find out more about BitTorrent (BTT) on their official website.

Watch this space in the weeks ahead for more news.

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