
If Elected, Will Trump Introduce a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve?

If Elected, Will Trump Introduce a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve?

The adoption of Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset by the US could have profound implications for global crypto regulation, policy, and perception. It would likely drive other nations to create more supportive regulatory frameworks, recognising the economic and geopolitical advantages of embracing digital assets. This move could legitimise Bitcoin on an international scale, prompting other countries to incorporate it into their reserves and potentially leading to a competitive accumulation of Bitcoin among nation-states. In addition, it could be the spark that leads to the expansion of mining operations worldwide, enhancing the decentralisation and security of the Bitcoin network while fostering economic and technological advancements, across the globe.

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Kraken Pro futures adds take profit/stop loss orders for enhanced risk management

Kraken Pro futures adds take profit/stop loss orders for enhanced risk management

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If Elected, Will Trump Introduce a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve?

If Elected, Will Trump Introduce a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve?

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Kraken Pro futures adds take profit/stop loss orders for enhanced risk management

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Spotlight on Spot ETH ETF: Will Solana Be the Next to Have Spot ETF After BTC and ETH?

Spotlight on Spot ETH ETF: Will Solana Be the Next to Have Spot ETF After BTC and ETH?

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Mobile App Change Log 6.22.0

Mobile App Change Log 6.22.0

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Predicting Price Trends? Consider BTC as Reference

Predicting Price Trends? Consider BTC as Reference

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Spotlight on Spot ETH ETF: Predicting Price Trends? Consider BTC as Reference

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Ether ETFs Surge Past $1 Billion in Trading Volume on First Day
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Ether ETFs Surge Past $1 Billion in Trading Volume on First Day

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HTX Ventures’s EthCC 2024 Insights: Infrastructures are Strong, Applications Need Innovation

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Tokenisation is no threat to TradFi – it’s the future

Tokenisation is no threat to TradFi – it’s the future

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How to Set Up and Use Trust Wallet for Binance Smart Chain
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How to Set Up and Use Trust Wallet for Binance Smart Chain

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