
Join HTX Square in Celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day 2024

22 mei 2024 2 min gelezen
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Over the past year, Bitcoin has maintained its rapid growth. Bitcoin inscriptions and BRC20 tokens have remained highly popular. After the debut of spot BTC ETFs, the price of Bitcoin has surged past $70,000 for the first time. Today, we are celebrating Pizza Day with Bitcoin at its highest price ever.

Over the years, HTX has consistently rolled out various events during Bitcoin Pizza Day to celebrate with the global crypto community. This tradition will continue in 2024. To discover more about HTX’s 2024 BTC Pizza Day events, click here: HTX’s BTC Pizza Day Carnival: 10,000 Pizza Coupons and 1 Million USDT Up for Grabs

You may have noticed that HTX Square has also joined the celebration this year. Within the HTX Community, we’re launching a themed event titled “ Join HTX Square in Celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day: Win Prizes by Sharing Your Stories with HTX“. We invite you to share your unique stories and experiences related to HTX.

HTX Square, as the official media outlet of HTX, is committed to establishing the most professional, engaging, and user-friendly one-stop platform for crypto-related content. Serving as a crucial bridge, it connects HTX with platform users, becoming the ultimate hub for crypto enthusiasts. Here, you can not only stay informed about the latest developments in the crypto space but also delve deeper into understanding HTX and the efforts we’ve made to drive cryptocurrency advancement. Going forward, we will continue to introduce more user-oriented and high-quality content, enhancing the experience for individuals navigating the ever-evolving crypto realm.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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