
BEST Rewards Recap #1

11 dec. 2020 3 min gelezen
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First, let’s go back to the beginning. As you already know, we announced our BEST Rewards loyalty programme on the 31st of March, which when used, increases your BEST holdings by up to 12.78% a year! In order to receive your BEST Rewards, you have to hold BEST in your Bitpanda wallet, do at least one monthly trade and actively claim your BEST Rewards. If you’re not sure how to do that, you can find an explanation here.

Amount of BEST on Bitpanda used to claim BEST Rewards

As you may know, BEST Rewards can be claimed by anyone holding BEST, no matter you much BEST you have. We’re very happy to let you know that around 80% of all the BEST on Bitpanda was used by our users to claim their BEST Rewards in November.

Total amount of users claiming BEST Rewards

In November, we reached an all-time-high of total users claiming their BEST Rewards. More than 32,000 users have claimed their BEST Rewards, which is a 23% increase from October where more than 26,000 users claimed them! Just to compare, in April (the first month when the programme ran) around 15K users claimed their BEST Rewards.

Total amount of BEST paid out through BEST Rewards so far

And this brings us to another point, the actual amount of BEST Rewards paid out to our users. Since the programme’s launch, we paid out 16,778,150 BEST through the BEST Rewards programme which is equivalent to €2,565,379 with today’s BEST price. On the 1st of December, 2020, 2,275,866 BEST (€347,980) was distributed to our users who claimed their BEST Rewards in November 2020.

Other BEST benefits

We would also like to quickly remind you about some other BEST benefits. On top of our BEST Rewards programme, everyone who uses BEST to pay trading premiums with its guaranteed value of €0.12 (or its market value if the BEST price is higher) gets a discount of 25% as well! Let’s not forget that as a BEST VIP user, you can enjoy lower deposit fees when depositing via SOFORT or credit cards on Bitpanda. Plus, stay tuned for more information about our regular token burns and latest coin votes!

Are you inspired and ready to buy some BEST?

You can buy BEST on Bitpanda or Bitpanda Pro.

You can also swap any supported cryptocurrency, stablecoin and even digitised gold, silver, palladium and platinum to BEST. Happy trading!

Please note that we will stick to our policy to not report the exact amount of BEST collected for competition reasons.

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