
Fourth BEST token burn: Most BEST burnt so far!

29 okt. 2020 3 min gelezen
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Dear Bitpanda community,

Staying true to Bitpanda’s vision paper promise, we have facilitated quarterly burns on the last Thursday of the burn month and will continue to do so until 50% of the total BEST supply is destroyed. Today marks the fourth ever BEST burn and I’d like to take a moment to thank all our valued and loyal users who claim their BEST rewards each month and use our BEST token to save on trading premiums! We’re always happy to see BEST adoption on the rise.

For this burn event, we burned more than 25% of the BEST used for trading premiums in the time between the 30th of July, 2020 and today.

As you may know, token burns are part of the overall strategy for BEST as we permanently destroy the BEST token collected from users who use it to pay for trading premiums on Bitpanda. Below, you can find all the information regarding the fourth BEST burn, including the total supply and the burn transaction.

The latest news on BEST

Third BEST VIP coin vote

On the 25th of September, 2020, we held yet another BEST coin vote! The BEST coin vote is exclusively for our BEST VIPS and you get to have a say in what digital assets we list next on Bitpanda. If you missed it, you can have a look at our blog post here to read all about it.

Bitpanda Plus program

We’re very happy to announce that as a BEST VIP holder, you will automatically be eligible for the Bitpanda plus programme! This is an exclusive service for Bitpanda users who want to trade with large volumes beyond our default limits. You get even more benefits than before with exclusive support.

And lastly, we went live on HitBTC

In other news, you can now trade BEST against Bitcoin on HitBTC!

We’re live on @hitBTC! You can now trade $BEST against $BTC on @hitBTC: https://t.co/r6rwssmI51

Make sure to keep an eye on our social channels for more exciting things later this year! pic.twitter.com/yIAQFibkVm

— Bitpanda (@bitpanda) September 2, 2020

Upcoming BEST burns

So there are no surprises, here are when the next BEST burns will take place:

Overall, BEST will play a vital role in our expansion strategy and I’m really pleased with the adoption rate of BEST for the year 2020.

Stay tuned on our blog and social media channels, where we will keep you updated on everything concerning BEST.

We have many exciting projects planned for BEST and I’m grateful to have such a great team and users who stand by Bitpanda’s vision.

Paul Klanschek,

Co-Founder & CEO.

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