
Binance Charity, UNICEF Work Together to Rehabilitate Beirut

18 nov. 2020 4 min gelezen
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Binance Charity’s contribution will go to UNICEF’s WASH program within the UNICEF Lebanon Emergency Appeal with aims to restore water and sanitation systems, with emphasis on the core needs of rehabilitation, maintenance, and reconstruction of damaged apartments (including plumbing services). The donation will contribute to the purchase of water tanks, installation & sanitation support in affected apartment blocks, mini hygiene kits including sanitary pads, soap and towels for young women, and hygiene, baby, and COVID protection kits to families living in damaged houses.

On August 4, an explosion in Beirut’s port devastated nearby neighborhoods within seconds. An estimated 300,000 people were affected by the aftermath - including 100,000 children - and there was near-complete destruction of homes and buildings in poor and well-to-do neighborhoods alike. Many buildings and infrastructure were destroyed due to this horrific event, but some have been left slightly affected. Imperative water structures like the Achrafieh pumping station are in critical condition and are now leaving families without water and supplies to perform daily needs.

Within 18 hours, UNICEF and local NGOs were the first people many saw after the explosion and immediately set foot to check on neighboring families and households.

Following the incident, UNICEF’s WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) program was in a position to prioritize that each building had at least one operational route to clean water as soon as possible. A total of nine 1,000-liter water tanks supplied by UNICEF were installed, while destroyed water pipelines were repaired - all within a 48-hour period.

UNICEF’s WASH goals are to provide safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, hygiene kits, all while trying to reduce the transmission of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. For more information on UNICEF WASH initiatives, follow this link.

Together, Binance Charity and UNICEF will utilize strong connections with the local community and provide service and aid to help build for a better tomorrow by providing families with the care and need for clean water and supplies.

“Our hearts and prayers go out to the people in Lebanon; those impacted and those that are on the frontlines aiding as emergency personnel answering to this horrific event,” said Changpeng Zhao (CZ), CEO of Binance. “With our donation, we seek to bring the necessities back to those affected by the blast and bring comfort while those try to rebuild their lives.”

“On behalf of Binance, Binance Charity looks forward to helping improve conditions for the long road ahead.” said Helen Hai, Head of Binance Charity, “With our teams coming together and stepping up to help one another, the glimmer of hope looks bright.”

"Digital economies and currencies offer new opportunities and tools to help children,  impacting their lives for generations to come. That's why it is important for UNICEF to explore the full potential they offer. Through Binance Charity's support, we will not only be able to protect the children and their families in the aftermath of the explosions but also to provide them with the best possible help to improve their lives in a sustainable way", explains Sandra Visscher, Executive director of UNICEF Luxembourg.

Binance Charity Foundation (BCF) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of blockchain-enabled philanthropy towards achieving global sustainable development. Binance Charity aims to transform philanthropy by developing a 100% transparent donation platform based on blockchain to build a future where technology innovation is used to end all forms of poverty and inequality, advance sustainable development and ensure that no one is left behind. The donation platform tracks donations from donors down to each end beneficiaries, eliminating the middleman and any possible corruption. To date, BCF has supported over 100,000 end beneficiaries through various programs, including the Binance for Children program which now covers over 150 schools in Uganda, providing students with free lunch, textbooks, stationery, solar panels, etc. Visit binance.charity for more details.

Follow us on Twitter @BinanceBCF for updates on current and upcoming events.

See the thank-you letter from UNICEF below on our donation commitment:

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