5 reasons why you should opt for a Trading bot
#Config#Config pools#Bot Trading and Trading 101

5 reasons why you should opt for a Trading bot

Cryptocurrency trading and bots are a match made in heaven, like the moon and the earth. The significance of trading bots in the crypto world cannot be overlooked, and here's why:

1. They’ve got a proven track record

Automated trading systems (ATS) have been dominating the traditional stock exchanges, with a staggering 76% of trades on the New York Stock Exchange being executed by these systems.

The reason behind their success is simple—they consistently outperform human traders. While cryptocurrency trading is relatively newer, the introduction of automated trading is now revolutionizing the industry.

2. They’re complete workaholics

Let me put it this way. Humans eat, sleep and live their life. Cooks cook, bankers bank, pilots fly. Of all of us day traders and would-be-cryptocurrency-connoisseurs, how many of you can really say you dedicate your entire life to trading?

Trading bots literally work all day, all night. Always, always, always scanning price fluctuation, finding opportunities and avoiding catastrophe.

3. They don’t have emotions

Sure, you’re better at writing a love poem to your crush, but when it comes to trading, the trading bots are just better because they’re 100% rational. Ever panic sold when you thought a coin was about to tank and then watched it boom back up minutes later?

If you answered yes, you’re most likely a human. Most major stock exchanges have trading curbs that close markets for some time to counteract panic selling. This ensures traders to have the time and ability to assess accurate information and think rationally…kind of like a bot would.

4. They are YOU

Not so fast, I’m not saying you’re the Terminator. The point here is that your trading bot doesn't work until you set it up. It’s up to you to tweak and adjust its decisions to trade exactly how YOU would if you had the time, energy and muscle to stay glued to the charts all day.

The working bot is therefore a reflection of you and your trading style.

5. They’re easy to use

Ok, ok, they’re great at trading - even better than humans, but that also means they must be complicated…WRONG. You do not need a Phd from MIT to control a personal trading companion.

These things have been designed to be easy to set up and start out. Better yet, if you don’t know anything about trading, there are plenty of highly capable and successful trader more than willing to share the best configurations across social media platforms like Youtube, Facebook groups, Discord etc.

In conclusion, trading bots have become an indispensable tool for crypto enthusiasts, enabling them to capitalize on opportunities 24/7, while removing human emotions from the equation. Cryptohopper offers an intuitive platform that allows you to harness the power of trading bots and unleash your full trading potential. So, if you're ready to elevate your trading game, let Cryptohopper be your trusted companion in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency. Happy trading!

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Disclaimer: Cryptohopper is geen gereguleerde entiteit. De handel in cryptocurrency bots brengt aanzienlijke risico's met zich mee en in het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. De winsten getoond in product screenshots zijn voor illustratieve doeleinden en kunnen overdreven zijn. Doe alleen aan bothandel als u over voldoende kennis beschikt of vraag advies aan een gekwalificeerd financieel adviseur. In geen geval aanvaardt Cryptohopper enige aansprakelijkheid jegens enige persoon of entiteit voor (a) enig verlies of schade, geheel of gedeeltelijk, veroorzaakt door, voortvloeiend uit of in verband met transacties met onze software of (b) enige directe, indirecte, speciale, gevolg- of incidentele schade. Houd er rekening mee dat de inhoud die beschikbaar is op het Cryptohopper sociale handelsplatform is gegenereerd door leden van de Cryptohopper gemeenschap en geen advies of aanbevelingen van Cryptohopper of namens haar vormt. Winsten getoond op de Marktplaats zijn niet indicatief voor toekomstige resultaten. Door gebruik te maken van de diensten van Cryptohopper, erkent en aanvaardt u de inherente risico's die betrokken zijn bij de handel in cryptocurrency en gaat u ermee akkoord Cryptohopper te vrijwaren van eventuele aansprakelijkheden of opgelopen verliezen. Het is essentieel om onze Servicevoorwaarden en Risicobeleid te lezen en te begrijpen voordat u onze software gebruikt of deelneemt aan handelsactiviteiten. Raadpleeg juridische en financiële professionals voor persoonlijk advies op basis van uw specifieke omstandigheden.

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