
Gitcoin (GTC), Enzyme Token (MLN) and Amp (AMP) are launching on Coinbase Pro

8 Jun 2021 4 menit baca
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One of the most common requests we receive from customers is to be able to trade more assets on our platform. Per the terms of our listing process, we anticipate supporting more assets that meet our standards over time. Most recently we have added trading support for Dogecoin (DOGE), Internet Computer (ICP), Cartesi (CTSI), iExec (RLC), Mirror Protocol (MIR), Tellor (TRB), Tether (USDT), Ampleforth Governance Token (FORTH), 1inch (1INCH), Enjin Coin (ENJ), NKN (NKN), Origin Token (OGN), Ankr (ANKR) Curve DAO Token (CRV), Storj (STORJ), Cardano (ADA), SushiSwap (SUSHI), Polygon (MATIC), SKALE (SKL), and The Graph (GRT), along with supporting additional order books. Coinbase continues to explore support for new digital assets.

Starting immediately, we will begin accepting inbound transfers of GTC, MLN and AMP to Coinbase Pro. Trading will begin on or after 9am Pacific Time (PT) Thursday, June 10, if liquidity conditions are met.

Once sufficient supply of GTC, MLN and AMP is established on the platform, trading on our GTC-USD, MLN-USD and AMP-USD order books will launch in three phases, post-only, limit-only and full trading. If at any point one of the new order books does not meet our assessment for a healthy and orderly market, we may keep the book in one state for a longer period of time or suspend trading as per our Trading Rules.

We will publish tweets from our Coinbase Pro Twitter account as each order book moves through the phases.

Gitcoin ( GTC)

Gitcoin (GTC) is an Ethereum token that enables community governance of the Gitcoin platform. The platform is designed to fund and coordinate open source development by novel means such as quadratic funding. As of June 2021, Gitcoin has facilitated over $21 million in grants and bounties for open source developers.

Enzyme( MLN)

MLN is an Ethereum token that powers Enzyme (formerly known as Melon Protocol), a protocol that aims to facilitate on-chain asset management for the DeFi ecosystem. MLN allows users to build, share, and explore DeFi investment strategies (called “vaults”) while filtering by historical performance and risk profiles. MLN is used to pay for various functions throughout the vault creation process and investment lifecycle.

Amp( AMP)

Amp is an Ethereum token that aims to “collateralize payments on the Flexa Network, making them instant and secure.” If a BTC or ETH payment fails due to unconfirmed or long transaction times “the Amp collateral can instead be liquidated to cover losses” while the vendor receives payment in fiat, potentially providing greater assurances to both parties.

GTC, MLN and AMP are not yet available on Coinbase.com or via our Consumer mobile apps. We will make a separate announcement if and when this support is added.

You can sign up for a Coinbase Pro account here to start trading. For more information on trading GTC, MLN and AMP on Coinbase Pro, visit our support page.


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Crypto is a new type of asset. Besides potential day to day or hour to hour volatility, each crypto asset has unique features. Make sure you research and understand individual assets before you transact.

All images provided herein are by Coinbase.

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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