
5 reasons why you should invest in the Bitpanda Crypto Index

11 Jan 2021 4 menit baca
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In case you missed it: We recently launched the world’s first real crypto index. Just like BEST is your key to getting the most out of Bitpanda, the Bitpanda Crypto Index will help you to get the most out of the crypto market. How can you get started? Simply log into your verified Bitpanda account, choose between the top 5, top 10 and top 25 cryptocurrencies and start to buy, sell and swap right away. The Bitpanda Crypto Index offers easy access to the most popular cryptocurrencies to new and seasoned investors alike. It’s also the perfect fit for setting up a savings plan - but more on that a bit later. Here are 5 reasons why you should get started with the Bitpanda Crypto Index.

1. Automatically diversify your crypto portfolio

Not sure which cryptocurrency to pick and where to get started? Instead of spending a lot of your time keeping track of the latest developments in the crypto market, invest in one or more of the three Bitpanda Crypto Indices. It is the easiest way to build a diversified, long-term crypto portfolio and zero-maintenance is needed from your side. Nothing could be more convenient - your investment auto-adjusts to market developments according to data calculated by our partner, MVIS - a VanEck company.

2. Reduce your exposure to market volatility

We all know that one of the drawbacks (and also causes for excitement) of investing in cryptocurrencies is the highly volatile nature of crypto markets sometimes causing extreme price fluctuations within a short period of time. While you are still bound to have some volatility as the market moves up and down, you can reduce your overall exposure to market volatility by automatically investing in the most popular assets on the crypto market with the Bitpanda Crypto Index.

3. No longer miss out on great opportunities

Investing in the Bitpanda Crypto Index is your “hands-off” approach to investing. Bitpanda rebalances your Index once a month based on calculations by one of the world’s leading asset managers, VanEck. You no longer need to scrutinise the current market situation to identify individual “winner coins” or to worry that you will miss your chance to make a great investment. All Bitpanda Crypto Index assets are safely stored by and purchased directly from Bitpanda.

4. Easily grow your crypto holdings with Bitpanda Savings

Just like for all other assets we offer on Bitpanda, with Bitpanda Savings, you can automate regular purchases of the Bitpanda Crypto Index without stressing yourself about timing the markets. Just set up one or more savings plans for any of the Bitpanda Crypto Index products by indicating the amount and intervals of your choice. Set up as many savings plans as you want and adjust them with maximum flexibility.

5. Buy, sell and swap any Bitpanda Crypto Index, just like you are used to doing

Just like any other assets on Bitpanda, you can buy, sell or swap your complete holdings or portions of your Bitpanda Crypto Index within seconds via desktop or the Bitpanda iOS and Android apps.

6. Earn BEST rewards

Last but not least, you thought we only have five reasons? No, we have a sixth reason for you - life is full of surprises! As a BEST holder who actively claims BEST rewards, you are eligible to receive BEST Rewards upon the monthly rebalancing event for the Bitpanda Index. As always, users who pay trading premiums with BEST get a discount of 25% at a guaranteed minimum value of €0.12 for one BEST.

For more information about the Bitpanda Crypto Indices, including a detailed description of the product, the issuer and the risks, please download, read and analyse the prospectus which is available here in English and and here in German (audited version). Make sure that you understand all the relevant aspects of the product and have read the prospectus before you invest in the Bitpanda Crypto Index.

Are you ready to diversify your crypto portfolio with the Bitpanda Crypto Index? Start now

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