
Mobile App Change Log 4.0.0

31 Mar 2021 3 menit baca
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The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes our new logo and theme colour.

Download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app below:

You can also download the Android Application Package (APK).


  • New users can sign up directly in the mobile app, without the need to create an API key on the web and scan the QR code on mobile

  • New logo, font and theme colour

  • Addition of ‘Refill Paper Balances’ button in the Balances panel of the Wallets tab


  • A notice will be shown when a user’s Bitfinex Pulse inbox is empty

  • Addition of ‘need help’ link in the Positions detail screen

  • Account information now displayed within the Account tab

  • U.S. resident notice is now shown for users who access the mobile app using a U.S. IP address

  • HEIC image format now supported for iOS during KYC

  • Updated translations for Russian as well as traditional and simplified Chinese

  • Removal of icons for 26 recently-delisted tokens

  • Add ALBT, BEST, CEL token icons

  • Rename funding offer above/below warning buttons (from submit/back to yes/no)

Bug Fix

  • Fixed full screen banner showing default icon for some devices

  • Fixed issue of user not being able to disable full screen banner

  • Fixed profile edit issue in Bitfinex Pulse

  • Fixed deep linking issue in Bitfinex Pulse

  • ‘User profile not found’ message is now shown when no user profiles are found

  • Fixed issue of mobile chart not displaying correctly for some users

  • Fixed issue of not being able to place Scaled Orders directly without first previewing

  • Leverage precision error is now shown when a user enters a preferred leverage level of more than 4 digits in the Derivatives* tab

  • Changing themes will no longer reset the chart type

  • USDt (Derivatives) is now correctly displayed as ‘USDt (Derivatives Wallet)’ in the Price Alerts symbol picker within the Account tab

  • English is the default language for first time users

*The derivatives platform is provided by iFinex Financial Technologies Limited. References to Bitfinex Derivatives in this post are references to iFinex Financial Technologies Limited.

The above changes have been suggested to us by our active user base.

Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us. Please share your user experience and help us to continuously optimize the Bitfinex mobile app.

To share your feedback, complete the Bitfinex mobile user app survey or join the Bitfinex Telegram channel.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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