
Binance Awards 2021- Launchpool Project of the Year

14 Jul 2021 2 menit baca
Gambar Spanduk Artikel Berita

Please join us in celebrating the Binance Launchpool Project of the Year. Created in September 2020, Binance Launchpool is a new initiative that has helped emerging projects grow their valuation and distribute their tokens to a wider audience. This award recognizes some of the best performing Binance Launchpool projects of 2021.

The nominees include projects launched in the past year (5 in total) that have enjoyed a positive ROI since IEO and are not acquired by Binance. We considered success factors like ROI performance, market influence and traction and level of integration  with the Binance ecosystem. Of course, we also excluded projects that were acquired by Binance.

See the weighted breakdown by success factor:

  • Token price performance ROI: 50%

  • Market influence and gained traction: 30%

  • Binance Ecosystem integration: 20%


My Neighbor Alice


Hard Protocol

Unifi Protocol



Congratulations to My Neighbor Alice for winning the Binance Launchpool Project of the Year Award.

My Neighbour Alice is a blockchain-based multiplayer builder game where users can collect and trade in-game assets such as land, islands and pets in the form of NFTs originated on BSC and Ethereum as asset layer1. As of July 8th, the total value of ALICE tokens allocated to launchpool is worth $17 million USD. The ALICE team is also working closely with Binance NFT Marketplace to release more quality NFTs for our users.

We look forward to seeing the ALICE team launch their game and bridge the gap between crypto and gaming metaverse.

All the nominees deserve praise for their hard work over the past year. Thank you to all the different project teams for your innovative efforts in the crypto space. Most importantly, thank you to the Binance community for your continuous trust and support. Your contributions have created significant value within the cryptocurrency market and DeFi industry.

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