
​WePlay Esports Announces to List NFTs on Binance NFT Marketplace

2 Jun 2021 2 menit baca
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Binance, the world’s leading blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider, and the media holding company WePlay Esports announced the release of the Storyline collection of WePlay Collectibles on the Binance NFT marketplace. The tokens will be auctioned on the platform as part of the “100 creators” campaign, timed to coincide with the launch of the Binance NFT marketplace.

The release of non-fungible WePlay Collectibles tokens will become part of the WePlay Esports ecosystem. Esports fans will be able to purchase digital memorabilia tied to their favorite tournaments from the media holding company in NFT format.

There are 3 types of tokens in the Storyline collection:

  • Logo token. It’s a token with a static or animated logo of the tournament.

  • Trophy token. It has an image of the keepsake, also in a static or animated format.

  • Story token. It depicts the most memorable parts of our unique stories, collected over all the years WePlay Esports has been organizing tournaments.

The Logo and Trophy tokens within the collection will come in Common, Rare, and Ultimate versions.

NFT esports memorabilia: WePlay Collectibles intro. Video: WePlay Esports

“We recognize NFTs as a cutting-edge way to bring the esports community together while providing a new level of interaction that is unique and valuable. We believe esports is booming not just because it’s entertaining and spectacular in and of itself, but also because it resonates with the digital trends. WePlay Collectibles are a fun way for fans to connect with their favorite players and obtain one-of-a-kind esports memorabilia to capture and immortalize our tournaments,” says Yura Lazebnikov, managing partner of WePlay Esports.

“Over the past few years, esports has grown from a small niche market to a real industry with a multi-million audience worldwide,” said Helen Hai, the Head of Binance NFT. “We believe the NFT marketplace with the fastest and cheapest solutions powered by Binance blockchain infrastructure and community will be a useful and disruptive innovation for the esports industry.”

The Storyline collection tokens will be distributed on the Binance NFT marketplace via auctions and direct sales, which will become available after the official launch of the NFT marketplace.


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