
Binance Learn & Earn Recap and Quiz: $20,000 OXT Giveaway

13 Feb 2021 2 menit baca
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What is Orchid?

Orchid is a decentralized market for anonymous communication and virtual private networking. Orchid’s mission is to empower people to understand and control the network activity of their own computers without fear of censorship, surveillance, or intermediation.

Learn more: https://youtu.be/zJHFMxGAqyw

What is OXT?

OXT is an Ethereum (ERC-20) compliant digital currency used to exchange value on the Orchid network. Orchid users purchase bandwidth with OXT, and Orchid node providers receive OXT in exchange for their bandwidth. Both users and providers stake OXT.

Learn more: https://www.orchid.com/oxt

How to start using Orchid with OXT?

Orchid provides access to a network of VPN providers that you can switch between, allows you to pay only for the bandwidth you use, and lets you share your account with an unlimited number of people and devices.

Learn more: https://blog.orchid.com/how-to-start-using-orchid-with-oxt/

How to get started using Orchid’s VPN in 60 seconds?

Orchid's unique VPN marketplace lets people reclaim the Internet as a place of freedom and curiosity with the highest level of online privacy. And now it's easier than ever to get started with Orchid using in-app purchases.

Learn more: https://blog.orchid.com/how-to-start-using-orchids-crypto-vpn-in-seconds/

What are Orchid hops and how are they useful?

If you’ve been following Orchid, you’ve probably encountered lots of references to “hops” and to Orchid’s multi-hop architecture. Hops is how we at Orchid refer to the routing of data -- from its origin, through a node such as a VPN server, and finally “exiting” to its destination webpage.

Learn more: https://blog.orchid.com/what-is-a-hop/


Complete the Quiz for a chance to claim up to $20 in OXT!


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