
Binance BSwap: Instant Liquidity, Low Fees

3 Sep 2020 4 menit baca
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We introduced Binance BSwap, a new trading platform that lets users pool tokens for easy earning and instant liquidity, all within a few clicks from the Binance website, where you can already buy, trade, stake, and save your crypto.

This is an automated market maker (AMM) pool product, the first of its kind in a centralized exchange, and it hosts different pools of liquidity that allow its users to exchange crypto assets.

When you place your crypto funds into the liquidity pools on Binance BSwap, you get to harness the power of an AMM pricing module. This can give you stable prices and lower fees for transactions both small and large, which are done via instant swaps. We’re offering the following liquid trading pairs:




With Binance BSwap, prices and transaction fees depend on the number of assets in the liquidity pool. These prices and fees change when you swap, add, or remove funds in the pool. You can become a market maker by simply adding tokens to the pool. You’re entitled to your interest plus a cut of the transaction fees when you pool your tokens.

You get all these benefits from a DeFi platform, and we combine it with the best that Binance has to offer:

  • DeFi products work better when more people provide funds, do trades, and earn fees from them. With millions of users already on Binance, you can leverage DeFi’s opportunities in just a few clicks, all within your existing account.

  • The security on the Binance platform, strengthened by years of expertise from maintaining the world’s leading exchange, gives you a safe platform to participate in DeFi.

  • With an ever-growing number of ways you can buy crypto with your local currencies, including credit and debit cards, P2P, and more, Binance provides one of the most convenient ways to access DeFi products and services.

  • As the first DeFi product to be within easy reach of a multitude of crypto activities, like spot, margin, and futures trading, as well as savings, staking, P2P, and more, we offer you the easiest way to move your holdings to whichever option works best for you, all in a few clicks.

Try Binance BSwap Today!

Our Road to DeFi: Years in the Making

Binance BSwap is our latest step in an ongoing mission to give our users the many opportunities that come with an ever-growing DeFi ecosystem. Over the past few weeks, we have:

  • Listed more than 20 DeFi tokens on the spot exchange

  • Launched the DeFi Composite Index Futures contract

  • Offered 15 futures contracts on Binance Futures

  • Introduced DeFi Staking, letting you use the crypto in your account to participate in DeFi earning opportunities

  • Worked with the Binance Chain community to launch Binance Smart Chain and an all-new BNB staking function

With the launch of Binance BSwap, we are taking it one step further by encouraging more growth in the DeFi market. As far back as last year, we made early inroads in DeFi. Binance Labs invested in DeFi protocols as early as 2019, while Binance Launchpad provided an early boost to major DeFi players like Band Protocol and Kava by hosting their token sales last year.

Binance DEX, which has grown into a leading decentralized exchange, was launched in April 2019. At the time, Binance DEX was considered by some as a disruptive entrant into the crypto market, almost as if we were creating a potential rival to our own exchange. For us, we viewed it as an early step towards advancing blockchain in the shape it will take in the future.

And with the launch of Binance BSwap, we will continue to do just that.

Try Binance BSwap Today!


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