
How to earn 8% APY on your USDT in 90 days?

27 Sep 2022 3 menit baca
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✴️ What is USDTEARN1? USDTEARN1 is the first phase of the whole financial management product, Poloniex EARN. With a supply of $5,000,000, USDTEARN1 was commenced on September 26, 2022 to allow each user to subscribe to a 10,000 quota to earn 8% APY in a fixed 90 days.

✴️ Is the 8% APY fixed or tier-based? It’s a fixed 8% APY. Unlike other crypto exchanges, Poloniex provides investors with a 8% fixed APY for the entire 3 months and for their whole savings, instead of providing a floating or a tier-based interest rate with partial savings rewarded.

✴️ Will USDTEARN1’s value fluctuate? No. The concept of USDTEARN1 is similar to that of the Certificate of Deposit. As long as you subscribe to the program, you deposit USDT and get USDTEARN1. After the maturity date, each USDTEARN1 will be automatically redeemed for 1.02 USDT.

✴️ Is USDTEARN1 a listed token?

No. USDTEARN1 is a financial management program which aims to grow your crypto holdings with a 8% APY in a fixed 90 days and the product itself doesn’t trade with other cryptocurrencies. You cannot trade or transfer USDTERAN1 during the 90-day period. Your USDTEARN1 will be recycled after 90 days, and the corresponding amount of USDT will be distributed to your spot account.

✴️ ️ How will the reward be distributed Once the maturity date is reached, the accumulated rewards will be sent to your spot account at a ratio of 1 USDTEARN1: 1.02 USDT.

✴️ ️ How much I can subscribe with one account The investor is counted as per account, and each account can subscribe to a 10,000 quota.

✴️ Is the product safe? Yes, undoubtedly! With more than 8 years of history in the crypto space, Poloniex is one of the oldest exchanges which is famous for its privacy and security to bridge investors to the power of crypto.

✴️ Why should we join?

Competitive APY. With the fixed 8% APY, investors can protect their digital assets against inflation. Besides, the threshold is low that almost all users can participate and each one can subscribe up to a $10,000 quota to earn considerable yields in bear market.

✴️ Who can subscribe?

For the first phase, almost everyone except for citizens and residents of the United States and of the jurisdictions under OFAC regulations. To allow users to enjoy juicy yields with 8% APY in 90 days, KYC is unnecessary. For more information, please visit POLONIEX: USER AGREEMENT.

Grab the chance to grow your crypto holdings and make passive incomes in inflation. For more details, please visit, please visit Poloniex Support Centre.

was originally published in The Poloniex blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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