
Bitpanda Pro partners with automated trading bot service Cryptohopper

8 jul 2020 2 min read
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World-class automated trading on Europe’s crypto-to-fiat exchange

With Cryptohopper, you can design your own automated trading strategies without any coding skills and connect to the state-of-the-art Bitpanda Pro API within minutes. This way, you never miss a trading opportunity and are able to automatically buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and more 24/7.

The Bitpanda Pro and Cryptohopper partnership gives you direct access to test your trading bot strategies on highly attractive euro crypto-to-fiat markets like BTC/EUR, ETH/EUR, MIOTA/EUR, XRP/EUR and more. In addition to euro, Bitpanda Pro also offers Swiss franc trading pairs like BTC/CHF, ETH/CHF, and XRP/CHF. British pound pairs have already been announced and will also be available soon, with more European fiat currency pairs to follow.<

“We’re excited to announce this collaboration with Bitpanda”, said Ruud Feltkamp, CEO of Cryptohopper. He added, “Bitpanda offers a beautiful exchange and a large number of extra services. Also, they are regulated and share good working ethics. A fantastic, reliable partner to work with.”

Benefit from low trading fees with BEST

You can also combine your Cryptohopper trading bot with the Bitpanda Ecosystem Token (BEST). This gives you an additional 25% fee discount on the already very competitive maker and taker fees. Additionally, new Cryptohopper users can use the 7-day free trial to experience automated trading!

Ready to trade?

Head over to Bitpanda Pro and Cryptohopper and start configuring your bot!

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