
Kraken wins (again) at European Customer Centricity Awards

16. 5. 2024 3 min. čtení
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Overcoming strong competition, this second award follows our 2023 ECCAs win in the Customer Success category and shortlisting for Employee Experience.

“We’ve always seen client feedback as the driving force that powers our entire business operation. We understand that our clients are truly our best advocates – vital to ongoing improvements to our product offering – and ultimately to achieving our mission,” said Ashley Speller, Kraken’s Vice President of Client Engagement.

Kraken the sole crypto winner in the 2024 ECCAs

Only 30 European companies were nominated for the ECCAs, and we were the only crypto, DeFi or onchain company to win or be shortlisted.

In the Customer Insight & Feedback category, the winner was chosen based on how well entrants proved their internal processes effectively analyze client needs while showcasing how operational changes are implemented at speed.

Our award-winning entry centered around Kraken’s “Dirt Covered Fruit” initiative, which is an internal escalation platform that leverages client insights and directly funnels feedback, in an actionable format, to executive leaders and product managers.

Many teams working together toward client service excellence

Beyond that, we demonstrated the cross-functional collaboration that takes place behind the scenes to ensure our clients’ voices are truly heard.

From our User Experience Research team (which plays a pivotal role in ensuring a deep understanding of user behavior, needs and pain points) to our Social Media Support team (which actively engages with clients on social media), many functions interact to bring our clients’ feedback to life.

Speller continued, “This award is testament to our millions of clients worldwide. We’re committed to consistently raising our standards in order to provide a superior crypto trading offering that prioritizes product accessibility and inclusivity.”

Click here to read more about the European Customer Centricity Awards and to see the full list of winners.

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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