
Join HTX Square in Celebrating Bitcoin Pizza Day: Win Prizes by Sharing Your Stories with HTX

15. 5. 2024 3 min. čtení
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It is a tradition for HTX to celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day with cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide. This year, we’ve curated an array of exciting surprises to elevate the festivities. Moreover, HTX Square, the official media platform of HTX, will also join the celebration. Within the HTX community, we’re introducing a themed event where you can share your stories and innovative ideas with fellow cryptocurrency enthusiasts by publishing posts under the related topic. Join the event, and you’ll have the opportunity to win exciting rewards!

Event Theme: Share Your Investment Stories and Win 400 USDT!

From the exchange of 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas to BTC’s groundbreaking surge above $70,000 in March of this year, this “pie” has expanded substantially, thanks to the steadfast support of every member in the crypto sphere. As your faithful companion, HTX is delighted to stand by your side, jointly shaping the future of the crypto world.

Whether you’re a newcomer or an existing user, there are certainly some unforgettable memories associated with HTX on this journey. What were the circumstances that led to your initial encounter with HTX? How much did you profit from your most successful investment in HTX? What experiences and lessons have you gained?

Welcome to the HTX Community and post under the topic #Win400USDTBySharingYourStoryWithHTXSquare in the HTX Community.  We invite you to share your unique stories and experiences related to HTX. Whether it’s a tale of a successful investment, a memorable experience, or insights gained from your investments here, we’re eager to hear it. Exclusive stories related to HTX are eagerly awaited.

Event Period: May 15, 2024 – May 24, 2024 (UTC)

Prize Pool: 400 USDT

            First Prize: 1 winner, 120 USDT; Second Prize: 2 winners, each receiving 80 USDT; Popularity Prize: 4 winners, each receiving 30 USDT.

            HTX is most likely to compile and publish the stories of the winners on HTX Square, allowing more users to access and read them.

Selection Rules:

The HTX Square team will select one first-prize winner and two second-prize winners based on the quality of the stories. The more interesting and sincere the story, the greater the chance of being selected.

Additionally, based on the interaction counts of each post (including likes, comments, and shares), the top four participants (excluding winners of the First Prize and the Second Prize) will win the Popularity Prize.

Click here to participate

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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