
Five Easter Eggs In Our Bybit Web3 Video You Might Have Missed

8. 2. 2023 3 min. čtení
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If you know us by now, you’d know that we like to sprinkle easter eggs in all our brand videos. There are a total of five easter eggs hidden in various segments of the video. Read on to find out more and give yourself a pat on the back if you managed to spot them all!

Merkle Tree


Blink and you’ll miss it, but a rather abstract Merkle Tree was featured in our Bybit Wallet video! A Merkle tree is a type of structure that can be used to quickly verify data integrity in a set. This structure comprises mainly hash functions, which are used extensively in blockchain technology.

Learn more about the , Merkle Trees,, and find out about Bybit’s Proof of Reserves , here,.


NFT fans, this one’s for you! Take a closer look at the Merkle Tree and you’ll find not one, but two NFTs hidden within. Here’s a hint: one is a feline, and the other rhymes with the word “funk”!

NFTs are also very much gateways to Web3, and you can access blue-chip NFTs right here with the Bybit Wallet. Click here to get started!

Seed Phrases


You might be wondering what is the significance of these (seemingly) random words. Well, they’re actually seed phrases!

A seed phrase — also referred to as a backup phrase, recovery phrase, mnemonic phrase and mnemonic seed — typically consists of 12 or 24 words taken and placed in random order from a list of 2,048 words.

Additionally, the people surrounding seed phrases represent our friendly Bybuddies, helping to keep your keys safe!

Read more about seed phrases , here, and find out how custodial wallets work , here,.



DeFi fans would surely have caught the four dApps that made a guest appearance in our video. Starring PancakeSwap, Axie Infinity, STEPN and Sushiswap!

With the Bybit wallet, you can easily access a wide range of popular dApps with just one click. Who’s up to explore the world of Web3 and DeFi? Click , here, to get started.

Bybit Icons


We saved the best for last because this one’s a tricky one! Pay close attention and you’ll notice something familiar — that’s right they’re our very own Bybit icons which you can find scattered across our platform.

There you have it — five easter eggs in our 45-second video. We hope you enjoyed it, and of course, get started with our Bybit Wallet that’s easy to use, easy to manage and easy to trust!


Explore Web3 Now

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