
OKB Global Ecosystem Monthly Report — August 2020

10. 9. 2020 3 min. čtení
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In our continuous effort to build the OKB ecosystem, OKEx has successfully completed the ninth round of OKB Buy-Back & Burn and upgraded OKChain testnet to V0.11.0. Additionally, OKEx has launched several reward campaigns for global users.

The following report demonstrates the progress and achievements of the OKB ecosystem over the course of August 2020.

OKB’s highest monthly ROI was 13%

Crypto media outlet CryptoGlobe pointed out that the price of OKB broke a resistance level and formed a solid level of support. It remains optimistic in regard to OKB’s market momentum.

Another crypto media, AiThority, indicated that the ninth round of the OKB Buy-Back & Burn program set a new record in the value of OKB burned. The increased scarcity of OKB theoretically boosts its long-term value for investors and holders.

The price of OKB hit as high as 6.340 USDT in August. Source: OKEx

OKB completed the ninth round of its OKB Buy-Back & Burn

In August, OKEx completed the ninth round of its OKB Buy-Back & Burn program. A total of 3,816,358.49 OKB, worth approximately $21 million, was bought back from the secondary market and destroyed.

The total amount of OKB burned is now nearly 25M. Source: OKEx

A cumulative total of 24,487,942.07 OKB has been burned, to date. The total number of circulating OKB in the secondary market is currently 275,512,057.93.

Since OKEx began the OKB Buy-Back & Burn program, the latest round resulted in the highest value of OKB burned. Furthermore, all burned OKB came from the secondary market since the burning of 700 million unissued OKB on Feb. 10.

The USD-value of OKB destroyed set a new record in the latest burn. Source: OKEx

OKEx upgrades OKChain testnet to V0.11.0

OKEx upgraded the OKChain testnet to V0.11.0 at block height 9460000 on Aug. 26, 2020. After the upgrade, the okchain-id became okchain-testnet1.

The latest upgrade supports OpenDEX-Desktop v0.0.2 and introduces push notifications for local nodes. Through the data-analysis module, users can receive notifications about market news, technical analysis indicators and transaction records. The module allows desktop users to access the latest market information without relying on any centralized servers.

OKChain bug submission page launched

In August, OKEx officially launched the OKChain bug submission page and offered a reward of up to 1,000 USDT to users who find and submit bugs on OKChain.

Submitted bugs are classified into five levels, based on their detection difficulty and severity:

  1. Extreme risk

  2. High risk

  3. Moderate risk

  4. Low risk

  5. No risk

OKChain bug submissions are classified by their severity. Source: OKEx

OKChain’s first Hackathon campaign results announced

OKEx announced the results of the first OKChain Hackathon campaign in late August.

A total of 24 teams and individuals entered the competition, and the results were excellent. NetCloth and Bitsong are the champions of the competition.

The results of the Hackathon campaign are as follows:

NetCloth and Bitsong won the first OKChain Hackathon Campaign. Source: OKEx

Talk to us!

In order to maintain close communication with users and listen to their suggestions, OKB also held a number of important community activities in August. Users can add OKB’s assistant (WeChat ID: OKBNO1) to obtain information and benefits.

If you have any questions or comments for the OKB or OKChain teams, please reach out via the contacts below:

OKB email: [email protected]

OKChain Tech Telegram: https://t.me/okchaintech

OKB Team

September 2020

Originally published at https://www.okex.com on September 10, 2020.

was originally published in OKEx Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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