
Kelly Kramer, former CFO of Cisco, joins Coinbase Board

16. 12. 2020 2 min. čtení
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Following on from some recent additions to the Coinbase boardroom, today we’re excited to share two more updates. The first is that we’re proud to welcome Kelly Kramer to the Coinbase Board of Directors. Kelly brings a wealth of experience in financial planning and analysis, and mergers and acquisitions, among other areas, to her role as Chairperson of our Audit and Compliance Committee. The second update is that Marc Andreessen, co-founder and general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, is transitioning from Board Observer to Board Director. This shift will allow Marc to take a more active role as a full-time board member for Coinbase.

Kelly Kramer joins the Coinbase Board of Directors following a nine-year tenure at Cisco, where she spent the last six years serving as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. In this role, she was responsible for managing the company’s financial strategy and overseeing all financial functions, corporate development, acquisition program, integrations and investor relations for the $49 billion revenue company with more than 76,000 employees. Prior to Cisco, Kelly was CFO of GE Healthcare Systems. During her 20 years with General Electric, she held other CFO roles including CFO of GE Healthcare Biosciences, and worked within the Transportation Systems and Aerospace divisions.

Kelly also currently sits on the Boards of Directors of cloud data company Snowflake, as well as Gilead Sciences, a biotechnology company that researches and develops innovative therapeutics. She serves on the Audit Committee for Snowflake and as the Chair of the Audit Committee for Gilead Sciences.

Kelly will be replacing Chris Dodds as the Chair of our Audit and Compliance Committee. Chris had recently indicated his desire to transition off of the Board to spend more time on matters related to his family. We thank Chris for his keen insights and contributions to the Board and Coinbase, and look forward to his continued support of the company in the future.

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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