
Say hello to the Bitpanda Stocks Beta - we are launching 24/7 stocks investing and you could win a Tesla Model 3!

9. 3. 2021 3 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

Invest in fractional stocks 24/7 on Bitpanda

Bringing traditional financial products into the 21st century and making investing accessible to everyone, no matter their background, by tearing down the barriers to personal finance is our mission at Bitpanda.

This is why we are going to offer our users at Bitpanda the same great experience you get when you buy Bitcoin or other digital assets by launching fractional stocks on Bitpanda - 24/7 and commission-free!

Investing for everyone

With the Bitpanda Stocks Beta, you will initially be able to invest in fractional shares of stocks and ETFs (exchange-traded funds) on Bitpanda featuring some of the world’s most popular companies any time you want - and we will keep adding more stocks for you to invest in on an ongoing basis.

Bitpanda will offer fractional stock investing which means that you can start investing no matter your budget as you have the option to invest in small shares of stocks, without commissions and with tight spreads only.

Investing in stocks on Bitpanda is your chance to get started as a first-time investor and if you are investing on a budget. To get you started, we have a special surprise for you.

Your first stock is on us

Get a free stock on Bitpanda! As a thank you for our users, your first fractional stock on Bitpanda — chosen at random and valued between €5 and €200 — is for free. This is how to get your free stock:

  • Ensure that you have a verified Bitpanda account

  • Deposit at least €25 into your account at least once

  • Log in your account once the Bitpanda Stocks Beta is available

  • Accept the new terms and conditions in your Bitpanda account

Once you have accepted our new terms and conditions (T&C), you'll automatically receive a random fractional stock worth between €5 and €200 credited to your account, once Bitpanda Stocks is live.

So, make sure to keep an eye on the Bitpanda Blog so you don’t miss the day Bitpanda launches stocks! You can find the terms and conditions for our stocks giveaway here.

Win a Tesla on Bitpanda

It gets even better than this. After accepting the new T&C, you are also eligible to win a Tesla Model 3 Performance on Bitpanda. Sharing is caring, so don’t forget to let your friends know that they can now invest in stocks on Bitpanda and invite them all to register.

All you need to do is to invite your friends to register on Bitpanda. Then, they only need to verify their account and to make a deposit of €25. The more friends you invite that meet the requirements mentioned above, the higher your chances of winning the Tesla!

Find out more about Bitpanda Stocks

Disclaimer: This information is considered advertising material. The prospectus will be made available at www.bitpanda.com . Only the offer in Austria will be governed by this prospectus.

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