
Binance Joins Blockchain for Europe

3. 9. 2020 2 min. čtení
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We thank Blockchain for Europe for appointing Binance U.K. Director Teana Baker-Taylor to the association’s board, alongside representatives from Fetch.ai, Ripple, Block.one, and Blockseed Ventures. Together, this group of industry experts and stakeholders collaborate to advocate for balanced policy and regulatory governance for blockchain in Europe and contribute to educating and supporting European policymakers as they evaluate the future potential opportunities for this new technology.

“As a global leader in the digital asset industry, Binance is committed to working with policymakers to educate and support the development of informed and effective governance models which promote the overall growth of the blockchain ecosystem,” said Baker-Taylor. “We’re delighted to join Blockchain For Europe to collaborate with some of the industry’s top companies to advocate for blockchain technology and tokenization innovation in Europe”.

“At Blockchain for Europe we are very excited to welcome Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, to join our global team of blockchain industry leaders. Together we will continue to support European regulators and policy-makers in their efforts to unlock the potential of blockchain technology and to ensure Europe remains at the forefront of the technological innovations that will shape our future,” said  Maria Minaricova, Chairwoman of the Board for Blockchain for Europe.

“Welcoming Binance to the Blockchain For Europe family is another great step in our mission highlighting the opportunities Blockchain technology offers to Europe. We are looking forward to incorporating the expertise and experience this global leader in blockchain brings to the table. In this process, we remain committed to help ensure an innovation- and business-friendly regulatory framework that fully fosters the benefits this new technology offers to European companies and citizens” said Robert Kopitsch, Blockchain for Europe Secretary-General.

Blockchain for Europe and its members are currently focused on responding to the EU Action Plan on AML public consultation, the Digital Services Act (DSA) consultation on Smart Contracts, and contributing to ongoing discussions on the proposed EU Framework for Markets in Crypto-assets consultation conducted in December 2019.

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