
Introducing Crypto Gift Cards on Binance: Give the Gift of Crypto

14. 7. 2021 3 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

Main takeaways

  • Users can now send crypto gift cards to friends and family, making it easier than ever to share the gift of crypto with Binance and non-Binance users alike—all with zero fees

  • To create a gift card, users must choose a card design, cryptocurrency and amount they’d like to send

  • Gift cards can be sent via email, or users can share a digital code that can be redeemed using the Binance app

Here at Binance, we’ve always wanted to develop smart features that improve your crypto experience. Today, we’re rolling out a new feature that makes it easier than ever to do something you’ve always wanted: give the gift of crypto to your favorite people, without paying any additional fees.

Now you can create and share crypto gift cards in seconds using the Binance app. Whether you’re saying Congratulations, Happy Birthday or Thank You, Binance Gift Cards are a great way to celebrate an occasion or send your regards to the people who matter most.

Meet Binance Gift Card: Not Your Ordinary Gift Card

We know how important the right gift can be. That’s why we designed Binance Gift Cards to be simple, convenient and easy to use.

Create your gift card in seconds

Binance Gift Cards are easy to create. Open the Binance app and tap the “Profile” icon on the top left to open the sidebar. Then, tap “Gift Card” and enter the cryptocurrency and amount you want to send.

Send your gift card to anyone

You can send Binance Gift Cards to Binance and non-Binance users alike, via email or a unique digital code. Like any electronic gift card, Binance Gift Cards are delivered near-instantly to the intended recipient. Non-registered Binance users will need to create a Binance account to redeem their gift card.

There’s a gift card for everyone

Choose your favorite gift card design and add a personalized message. From now until July 31, you can send a limited edition Binance 4th Anniversary-themed gift card.

No fees when you send or redeem gift cards

You read that right. You can now send cryptocurrency gift cards to nearly anyone, anywhere without any fees.

Have someone you’d like to send a crypto gift card to? Whether you’re introducing a family member to crypto for the first time or saying thanks to a fellow cryptocurrency enthusiast, download the Binance app below to send your first crypto gift card.

Read the following articlesfor more information:

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