
2021 Binance Influencer of the Year Awards: Send Us Your Nominations!

17. 6. 2021 3 min. čtení
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It’s official: Binance Awards are back. As our 4th anniversary nears, we’re honoring the crypto community and giving thanks to the people and projects that have made lasting contributions to our blockchain ecosystem.

Even more importantly, this year’s Binance Awards are an opportunity for us to thank our community of users, who make up one of the largest and most passionate crypto communities in the world.

Send us your nominees: 2021 Binance Influencer of the Year Award

Today, we’re announcing our first awards category: the 2021 Influencer of the Year Award. Influential blockchain enthusiasts and crypto advocates have helped elevate the Binance ecosystem and beyond—helping more people start their very own crypto journeys.

This award goes out to influencers who share their knowledge and love of crypto with the wider community.

Nominate your favorite influencer

7 Winners. 6 Regions Worldwide. 100% Chosen By Our Community.

At Binance, we always aim to celebrate different voices and perspectives. From now until June 21, we’re collecting nominations for influencers from the following regions:

  1. Asia-Pacific

  2. Europe

  3. Latin America

  4. North America

  5. Africa

  6. Russia & CIS

  7. Global

In addition to the 6 regions above, there will be an award for the top global influencer of the year, as decided by our community.

Nominate your favorite influencers

We’re asking all Binance users to send in your top nominations. Got someone in mind? Fill out our nomination form by June 21—we’re looking to celebrate content creators of all stripes, from Twitter personalities and meme-makers to vloggers and podcasters, streamers and educators, and other influencers you know and love.

Send us your nominations

Selection Criteria

Binance will assess and determine the top 5 nominees for the regional and global award categories, and share the shortlisted finalists with the community to determine the final winners.

Timeline & Important Dates

June 14-21: Nominate your favorite influencers using this form.

June 23-28: Shortlist of nominees announced; final voting to commence with the winner to be 100% determined by the Binance community.


The final winners will receive a one-of-a-kind trophy from Binance that features their name and/or handle. All nominees and finalists will be featured in an upcoming Binance blog and/or social media post(s) from official Binance accounts.

Binance reserves the right in our sole discretion to amend this article at any time and for any reason(s) without prior notice.

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