
Binance Charity Launches NFT For Good Program Using BSC Technology

29. 10. 2020 4 min. čtení
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Binance Charity, in cooperation with Bounce and MathWallet, has initiated NFT for Good, an NFT (non-fungible token) incentive program created on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that will reward volunteers with service NFT medals. After years of successful blockchain charity services to almost 1 million end beneficiaries, Binance Charity is looking at empowering more stakeholders in the charity industry - NGOs and volunteers, by providing an efficient volunteer management solution with Binance’s blockchain infrastructure.

NFT for good projects is designed to empower NGOs with Binance’s blockchain infrastructure, itoffers service medals in the form of NFTs to motivate volunteers who participate in charity projects. As part of this initiative, Binance Charity, Bounce, and MathWallet will jointly build the nftorgood.org platform.

“In the past two years, Binance Charity has focused on blockchain technology to solve the problem of transparency between donors and recipients. It has also continued to break through the new boundaries of charity innovation. Through cooperation with a large number of public welfare organizations, we are well aware of the importance of volunteer participation to truly solve social problems,” said Helen Hai, Head of Binance Charity. “Now, Binance Charity starts from the perspective of volunteers and launches the NFT for Good program. We hope that through this project, volunteerism will be more efficient, interesting, rewarding, and memorable.”

You can get NFTs from the NFT for Good program by participating in voluntary activities initiated by the charity organization supported by Binance Charity. Holders of NFT for Good medals may also receive surprise voluntary incentive gifts. In the future, Binance Charity will invite different designers to create exclusive charity NFT medals for volunteers in different batches and scenarios.

Binance Charity sees NFT for Good as a solution that could cover all causes related to UN SDGs, such as climate change and gender equality. We are looking forward to partnering with all NGOs that support the advancement of SDGs in this program.

First Implementation: Sex Education in China

Binance Charity is piloting NFT for Good with a campaign for promoting sex education in China. To date, Binance Charity, in partnership with the Binance China Blockchain Institute, has provided healthcare education services to 500 children in rural areas of China, including Hainan, Sichuan, and Hunan.

“By partnering with Binance Charity, we were not only able to provide healthcare knowledge and support to children in remote areas, but we were also able to provide the education of blockchain charity and best practices to volunteers. It is an organizational revolution for Maitian,” said Danping Zhao, Executive Director of Maitian, an NGO with 15 years of education in China and one of the earliest org highlighting sex education for early-age children.

China holds one of the largest adolescent populations in the world with 165 million people as of 2017, according to the United Nations. Through recent years, sexual maturity has been reached at an increasingly earlier age amongst Chinese adolescents. As more young people in China become open to premarital sex, they also generally lack sexual and reproductive health knowledge, as well as awareness of safe sex. As a result, adolescents face the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancies, abortions, and sexual and gender-based violence.

This scenario makes sex education very important for Chinese adolescents, and school-based sex education plays a crucial role in that. But with limited resources in schools, NGOs that provide sex education usually bridge the gaps for children and schools. However, due to the sensitivity of sex education, these NGOs lack funding, volunteers, and general support from schools and society. We believe that volunteers should stand up for this cause should be encouraged and rewarded, and their heroic efforts to push the agenda of sex education should be remembered. Hence, we chose this as the first implementation of the NFT for Good program.

Follow @BinanceBCF, @bounce_finance, and @Mathwallet on Twitter for more updates on this project.

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