
Bybit's Response to The Merge

13. 8. 2022 2 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

Bybit is prepared for the possibility of potential hard forks. ETH prices in our various product lines — Spot, Futures, Perpetual Contracts, Options and Earn — will track the proof-of-stake ETH prices following The Merge. We will ensure a smooth transition across the entire suite of products offered on Bybit, and users' positions will not be adversely impacted. Bybit Options traders have our assurance that we will not impose adjustments on the strike prices of ETH Options in the case where there are forks. ETH Options will follow our standard settlement and delivery procedure, and will be based on the dollar-value of proof-of-stake ETH. This cover Options listed before and after The Merge.

At Bybit, we set stringent requirements for all our listings to provide a reliable trading experience. In the situation where there are forked tokens, our risk management and security teams have a set of criteria in place to determine the viability of listing these tokens on our platform. Should such tokens meet the requirements, we will support their airdrop, deposit and withdrawal.

As the situation is constantly evolving, we will continue to keep a close watch on The Merge and its attendant ramifications. We will determine at a later date and provide updates on if the trading, staking and saving products of potential ETH forked tokens will be supported.

Stay up to date on the latest news by following us on our various channels:

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Read our report on potential forks: Can Ethereum PoW and ETC Resolve the Ethereum Miners’ Dilemma

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