
Huobi Perpetual Swaps Joins DeFi Yield Farming Campaign with $200,000 Reward

22 de set. de 2020 2 min de leitura
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The campaign started at 16:00 UTC on September 21 and ends at 15:59:59 UTC on October 1. 

Huobi perpetual swaps supports the following DeFi assets UNI, LINK, YFII, SUSHI, DOT, YFI and ADA for this campaign. Except for ADA and DOT, the remaining five are all DeFi tokens. So far, Huobi has 61 widely-accepted tokens in its swaps suite including 28 DeFi tokens, becoming the crypto platform that offers the most coin-margined swaps globally.

Campaign Rules: Whilst the daily cumulative Maker amount exceeds $1,000 on the designated assets – UNI, LINK, YFII, SUSHI, DOT, YFI and ADA, the prize pool will be divided according to the portion of the users’ cumulative Maker amount. It means the larger the Maker amount is, the more reward the user will receive.

Please note that Maker transaction follows a pending order system. A order can only be finalized after a fully complete transaction. 

To calculate your reward:

Reward =Total Maker Amount on 7 specified swaps of the User
Total Maker amount on 7 swaps of the platform

Daily Prize Pool

Daily Reward Pool


September 22September 23September 24September 25September 26
20,000USD Equivalent UNI20,000USD Equivalent LINK20,000USD Equivalent YFII20,000USD Equivalent SUSHI20,000USD Equivalent  DOT
September 27September 28September 29September 30October 1st
 20,000USD Equivalent YFI  20,000USD Equivalent ADA  20,000USD Equivalent UNI  20,000USD Equivalent LINK  20,000USD Equivalent YFII 

1. The yield farming campaign will start at 16:00 UTC on September 21 and ends at 15:59:59 UTC on October 1;

2. Sub-accounts cannot participate in the campaign as independent accounts; sub-account transactions will be merged into their main accounts; Huobi App will not display yield farming rewards of sub-accounts.

3. Users can check their rewards at Huobi APP.

4. Rewards will be allocated in equivalent value of tokens. The number of tokens issued will be calculated based on the closing price of the day; Yield farming rewards below 1USD will not be issued.

5. Reward will be calculated to 6 decimal places for YFI, 5 decimal places for YFII, 2 decimal places for DOT, LINK, SUSHI, UNI and ADA. The exceedances will be truncated.

6. Rewards will be allocated to the user’s perpetual swaps account in the following day.  Pay attention to the SMS and Email notifications.  

7. The final interpretation right of this campaign belongs to Huobi Futures.

SOURCE Huobi Global

The post appeared first on Huobi Blog.

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