
How to buy crypto in the Binance app with SEPA or credit card

18 de jun. de 2021 2 min de leitura
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Download the Binance app

Step 1: If you would like to purchase crypto with Card, you can skip to step 4.

In case you would like to make a bank deposit to your account, press the yellow square at the bottom of the screen and select Deposit.

Step 2: Choose the local currency you would like to deposit to your Binance account.

Step 3: Choose SEPA, Card or your local payment method and enter the amount in euro you would like to deposit. A deposit can take from a few minutes till up to 1 working day depending on your bank or payment method.

Step 4: After the money is successfully deposited to your account you can start the purchase of your crypto. At the bottom of the screen, press the yellow trading button and select Buy.

Step 5: Choose the crypto you would like to purchase from the list or search the ticker (e.g. BTC for Bitcoin)

Step 6: Enter the amount of your local currency you would like to invest. Then select Cash Balanceif you would like to pay with the money you deposited, or select Pay with Cardif you would like to purchase with your Visa or Mastercard.

After you have confirmed, you have officially purchased your first crypto at Binance. Congratulations! You can go to your wallet by pressing the wallet icon at the bottom right of screen to check out your portfolio.

If you would like to sell at some point, press the yellow square button, found at the bottom of the screen and then go to Sell. Select the crypto you would like to sell, select the amount in your local currency and confirm.

Now you are all set up! If you want to learn more about the crypto and blockchain space we advise you to dive into our free Binance Academy.

Good luck on your trading journey!

Team Binance

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