
Time to Harvest! HTX Liquid Restaking Injects ETHFI & zkLink Airdrops and Allows Points Redemption Soon

27 mei 2024 4 min gelezen
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What is New on HTX Liquid Restaking This May?

HTX reportedly added Etherfi (ETHFI) and zkLink to its Liquid Restaking event’s rewards pool on May 22. Additionally, the point redemption feature will be available starting at 03:00 (UTC) on May 31, with the approaching first batch of rewards including BouncebBit airdrops, ETHFI, TRX, USDT, and $HTX.

Let’s look at the update details as follows:

  1. Enabling BTC: A daily prize pool of 250,000 r-ZKL points, equivalent to zkLink airdrops by staking 500 BTC daily.

  2. Enabling ETH: A daily prize pool of 50,000 r-ETHFI points. 100 r-ETHFI = 1 ETHFI

  3. BounceBit points (r-BB) distribution will be ceased on May 22. You can redeem your r-BB points for rewards starting on May 31.

    Moreover, HTX will continuously increase the event quota and introduce new premium projects based on the event participation to help you earn more than on-chain retaking.

Join Restaking on HTX: Enjoy Effortless On-chain Airdrops Together with Tens of Billions of Smart Money

The restaking sector is growing stronger and more mature with over $20 billion TVL, thanks to the engagement of notable institutions including Ethereum Foundation, Polychain Capital, and ABCDE, leading platforms like HTX, Binance, and OKX, as well as major ecosystem participants.

As a leading exchange in retaking, HTX has cherry-picked premium restaking projects, such as Merlin, BounceBit, EigenLayer, and Puffer to its Liquid Restaking event.

In addition, HTX Liquid Restaking employs a dedicated research team for projects’ security audits, on-chain participation analyses, and team assessments. Participating in the event means mirroring the choices of mega smart money and the professional team. You are just one click away from easy participation in restaking for fruitful rewards.

  • Safer: HTX’s latest Merkle Tree Proof of Reserves shows that the reserve ratio exceeds 100%, and regular asset audits are performed to ensure sufficient reserves to safeguard user assets.

  • Simpler: The event features no entry requirements, with one-click participation by holding assets in your HTX spot/futures account. It also highlights flexibility and no lockups, where you can deposit/withdraw your assets at any time. The event will cover all the on-chain operations, allowing you to enjoy seamless investing.

  • More Effortless: Receive instant points after registration and redeem for rewards anytime. Earn more airdrops by enabling certain assets for several restaking projects.

BTC Participation Earns You: MERL tokens from Merlin Chain (already airdropped), with APR over 88%; This May, millions of BB tokens from BounceBit with an estimated value of nearly $1B; upcoming zkLink token airdrop; and future airdrops from reputable restaking projects like Babylon.

ETH Participation Earns You: EIGEN tokens from EigenLayer with over 3M ETH staked; upcoming PUFF airdrop from Puffer Finance; over 3% APR on stETH from Lido; future airdrops from other projects, such as Etherfi, Swell, Renzo, and KelpDAO.

Additionally, you can enable USDT, TRX, and $HTX for corresponding on-chain rewards. Just stay tuned for more airdrop updates on HTX.

Liquid Restaking is a CEX-based airdrop event launched by HTX. It allows users to effortlessly enjoy popular on-chain airdrops for free, with no entry barriers. Participation is simple, but the opportunity is lucrative, as the restaking space boasts a market cap of tens of billions of dollars. You can participate with a simple click on the event page, with this portal: HTX app > Earn > Liquid Restaking. Don’t miss out on this gateway to easily share in on-chain restaking rewards.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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