
10,000 USDT Giveaway for New Futures Traders!

9 jul. 2021 3 min gelezen
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Campaign Period: 7 days, July 9, 2021 at 13:00 — July 16, 2021 at 12:59 (UTC)

During the campaign, users who transfer no less than 300 USDT to their futures account for the first time and trade no less than 3,000 USDT in futures can get 20 USDT as a reward. A total prize pool of 10,000 USDT will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis!


1. During the campaign, users who transfer no less than 300 USDT to their futures account for the first time and trade no less than 3,000 USDT in futures can get 20 USDT as a reward. A total prize pool of 10,000 USDT will be shared by the first 500 eligible users.

- Transfer amount: This refers to the fund transferred into the futures account. You can transfer USDT from other accounts (e.g. exchange account, margin account, etc.) to your futures account.

- Steps to transfer funds:

① WEB: Click Wallet — Transfer Balances, select the account with USDT balance, choose “USDT” as the currency to transfer, enter the amount you would like to transfer, and then choose “Futures” account to transfer funds to your futures account;

② APP: Click Wallet — Futures Account — Transfer Balances, select the account with USDT balance, choose “USDT” as the currency to transfer, enter the amount you would like to transfer, and then choose “Futures” account to transfer funds to your futures account.

- Futures trading volume = Futures buys + Futures sells. Trading volume will be calculated in USDT;

For example: Suppose the latest price of BTC futures contract is 10,000 USDT. User A has 1,000 USDT In his/her futures account and buys 0.5 BTC with 5x leverage. Then User A’s futures trading volume is 0.5 BTC = 1,000 *5 =5,000 USDT.

2. Eligibility: All eligible users can participate;

3. All rewards will be distributed to your futures account within 10 working days after the campaign ends;

4. We are unable to distribute rewards or airdrops to customer accounts that are frozen, closed or based in a prohibited country. The list of prohibited countries is as follows: Antigua and Barbuda, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burundi, Burma, Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Crimea and Sevastopol, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Magnitsky, Liberia, North Korea, Nepal, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe;

5. The rules of the promotion shall be subject to Poloniex’s interpretations and decisions, which shall be final. We reserve the right to disqualify any person who is known or suspected to be cheating or violating any rules and regulations set by Poloniex.

Risk warning: Futures contract is an innovative financial product that invloves high risk and requires extensive knowledge. Please take caution when making trading decisions. Thank you for supporting Poloniex!

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