
Coinbase to acquire Agara to enhance our customer experience with powerful machine learning…

2 nov. 2021 2 min gelezen
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By Manish Gupta, EVP, Engineering

Today, Coinbase is announcing that we are acquiring Agara, an AI-powered support platform with operations in India and the US. The acquisition reinforces our commitment to delivering world-class support for customers, and brings Agara’s deep expertise in machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to Coinbase’s engineering team. It also reconfirms our strategy to continue to build out our tech hub in India.

We plan to leverage Agara’s powerful Deep Learning and Conversational AI technology to automate and enhance our customer experience (CX) tools. Improving our CX remains a top priority for Coinbase — in the past few months we have increased our support staff headcount by 5x and announced that we’ll deliver 24/7 phone support and live messaging by end of year. Through this acquisition, we’ll be able to provide our customers with new personalized, intelligent, and real-time support options.

In addition to Agara’s technology, the Agara team brings deep expertise in ML and NLP to Coinbase and will augment our existing product, engineering, and data teams.

Earlier this year, we announced our strategy to build out a tech hub in India, and we look forward to welcoming the Agara team to our rapidly growing presence across the country. Together, we will continue to advance Coinbase’s mission of increasing economic freedom around the world.

If you’re interested in joining our growing team in India — or anywhere around the world — we’re hiring. Come build with us!

This acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close later this year.

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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