
UnitedMasters Partners with Coinbase to Pay Music Artists in Crypto

12 okt. 2021 2 min gelezen
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We recently announced that we’re making it easy for businesses to pay their employees in cryptocurrency. Today, we’re excited to announce that UnitedMasters is partnering with Coinbase to offer their artists the choice to receive crypto payments for the music they create. UnitedMasters believes this will further financially empower the creators behind the music and decentralize the economics of the music business.

UnitedMasters will provide its artists total control of their earnings, giving them the freedom and flexibility to be paid, in full or in part, in US dollars or a cryptocurrency of their choice. The artists can also take advantage of Coinbase’s full set of product offerings — including spending, earning, trading and borrowing — to help them to do more with their crypto.

Our mission at Coinbase is to increase economic freedom in the world, and we applaud UnitedMasters’ efforts to help level the playing field for their community of musical artists. Crypto enables more fair and equal access to wealth for anyone, anywhere, without prejudice.

We want to make it easy for every company to pay employees in crypto. This is the future of payroll. Stay tuned for announcements in the coming months as we make it easier for more businesses to pay employees in crypto.

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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