
Coinbase To Launch 24/7 Phone Support and Other Enhancements to Customer Support by End of Year

22 sep. 2021 3 min gelezen
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One of our Coinbase cultural tenets is Customer Focus. This tenet sets the expectation that we solve customer problems with technology that is instinctive to use and continuously ask “How does this create more value for our customers?”

We recognize that when it comes to our customer support experience, we’re early in our journey of creating more value for customers.

In past blog posts we highlighted how improving our customer support experience is a top priority and this year we have more than quadrupled our capacity and launched new ways to contact us. As the journey continues, we are excited to share that we will implement the capabilities below by year end:

Faster Response Times: Speed matters in the fast moving cryptoeconomy, so we are matching that speed by further increasing our capacity to provide customers with the best response times in the industry. Customers should trust that we will match their sense of urgency when they contact us.

24/7 Live Phone Support: Direct connections matter, so 24/7 phone support will be available for all retail customers who prefer speaking live with an expert. Whether the question is simple or complex, customers in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan will have the option to connect with our in-country based customer service teams before the end of 2021 with further expansion planned for 2022.

Live Messaging: We value our customers’ time, so we’re launching messaging, which means customers can connect with us when the time is right and continue the conversation seamlessly if they have to step away. Our team of customer service experts will be available via messaging 24/7 with the speed our customers expect.

In-Product Support: Ease of use is important, so this year we are creating a more seamless support experience within our iOS and Android apps. This suite of features will provide users with an intelligent and personalized self service experience, saving customers time when they have questions. Live support will be a core part of this experience as well, allowing customers to quickly message our team of experts when needed.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the most trusted customer service experience in crypto. We look forward to providing these new capabilities to you, so please stay tuned as we will continue to update this blog with the status of our journey.

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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